Am Joel 19 years old

Am Joel 19 years old i believe that I will work and my goal is to get money for my next semester I wanna surprise my parents

Better to get a part time job than risk money on FX trading - because if that’s all your think about you will blow your account as most newbies have found out. That’s the reality facing you.

There is no short cut to eventual success. Ignore social media marketing hype - it’s mainly fantasy land.

Hello Joel! Welcome to the community! Are you trading already or just starting out?

Welcome to the community Joel :grin:
My only concern with your post is that it sounds like you’re expecting to make a bit of money very soon, since you mentioned it is for your next semester. Keep in mind that you can make money from trading and it can help you through the rest of your life, but it sounds like you’re expecting to earn money very quickly and that is very unlikely.
I don’t think you should give up, as one day you could start making a noticeable amount of money and could ultimately surprise your parents. I only wanted to point out that it may not be achievable in the timeframe you’re expecting.
Wishing you all the best!