Am new here

Hello Am sagaz01 am from Akure, Nigeria,West Africa. I want to learn everything I can here about binary options

This would be the place to look.

A good starting-point might be to read the long thread called “[I]Binary Options: Beware[/I]”. Don’t be put off by its length or its starting-date (it was updated as recently as a couple of days ago).

Here’s the “key concept”, very briefly: binary options really compare [I][U]very[/U][/I] badly with spot forex trading in general ([I]especially[/I] for relatively inexperienced traders) because quite apart from having the same learning-curve as anything else, there’s a very considerable [B]additional[/B] “house edge” to overcome, with binary options - so the overall odds of success really are that much worse. It seems to me to be a way of stacking the deck against yourself, in a field of activity in which only a tiny proportion of aspirants ever becomes successful.

Very few [I]successful [/I]members of this (or any other) trading forum would really advise you to start out this way, I think.

This thread may also help you: [B]301 Moved Permanently

Apologies indeed for greeting you by saying something I’m sure you didn’t want to hear, and welcome to the forum. :8:

Hi and welcome, best of luck!