AMF Restriction Preventing Quebec Residents from Opening Account on FxPro?

So I’ve been trading the FxPro demo account for awhile now and after deciding to open a real account with them I just received this in response:

Dear Client,

We thank you for your interest in opening a trading account with FxPro.

Kindly note that due to regulatory restrictions imposed by the Autorité des marchés financiers of Quebec (‘AMF’) concerning the provision of FxPro’s services and/ or products, we are unable to proceed with the opening of your account.

As far as I know there are no restrictions that would prevent Canadians or residents of Quebec from registering an account with FxPro, nor have I had any issues with other brokers.

I also found this thread about a current FxPro client in Quebec being cut off in July: (won’t let me post links so replace [dot] in link below)


Does anyone know anything about this, or have any Quebecers had any similar restrictions from other brokers?

I’ve also been considering Exness, so I suppose I’ll give them a try.