Andythetree is here!

Hi from the beautiful south-west of England.

Just a couple of months into my trading journey, devouring lots of information and quickly realising I need to fine tune my bulls**t meter. There are so many scams out there and so much rubbish spouted. Thank goodness I found this site and the outstanding training it offers. I haven’t completed every lesson yet with some 50-odd left but already I feel more confident.


Please feel free to guess why I am known as Andythetree. The answer is totally clean so no need to descend into the gutter!

welcome to the forum, Andy :sunglasses:

tree surgeon? arborist of some kind? or about 7’ tall and have arms like tree-trunks?

Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

Close and on the correct track, but not quite there!

lumberjack or timber merchant, then?

I am semi-retired now but I used to run a commercial nursery growing hundreds of thousands of baby trees for reafforestation

Welcome to BP @Andythetree
So, tell us, why trading?

An accident at work and some consequent medical issues mean my mobility is severely limited these days, but my mind is still as active as it ever was. So now I concentrate on things I can do basically just using my mind. The other things I do, like write and paint, don’t bring in much and I hope trading can help replace my lost income

Hi all. I am also new to trading and hope to find answers to my questions on your forum.

Welcome! :blush: It’s great that you seem to be almost halfway the school already! :slight_smile: If you every have any questions, don’t be shy to ask. :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear the first part and proud about the second. It is great that you are this flexible and honestly you are inspiring, good luck my friend. I’m sure you will make it…

Welcome to the community, @Andythetree. You can also open a demo account to make your learning more comprehensive.

Welcome to the community, @JonathonJ. Have you started with the education section here? Just ask away if some things aren’t clear to you.

Welcome to the forum! It’s great to have you here. Feel free to share your progress and experiences with us as you continue your trading journey. We’re all here to learn and grow together!

Welcome! This community is the perfect place to find answers to all your questions! Good luck on your trading journey!