Anxiety when starting to trade with a real account

I would say in order to reduce anxiety it’s better to practice first with a demo account and then switch to a real account. Also, keep up with market news and learn about the trader’s strategies.

You can overcome your fear and build confidence by taking little risks. Make sure to backtest periodically while trading on a micro account. This will allow you to identify problems in your techniques, improve them, and advance as a trader.

This is a great beginner’s tip. Keep the demo account funds the amount you’re willing to invest in a real account. It keeps the psychology of things in check. You’re less likely to do… dumb things. Ha!

Anxiety is a natural thing to appear in your mind when you are trading in real account. So, traders should develop their trading-friendly mindset before jumping onto live trading. It is the basic criteria to maintain.

definitely. gotta clarify a bit what does it mean to practice on demo, it means that traders have to devote a solid amount of time to demo trading. i tell it because i know there are some traders who neglect demo trading, lol… then they claim about anxiety on a real account. the causes of this anxiety are connected with moral and mental unpreparedness.

guess that there is nothing better than devoting time to demo trading as it’s almost the only way out of this situation. if traders feel anxiety on a real account, then it is just a signal that it’s better switch on demo one and test the strategy. moreover, traders gotta look for the changes on the market and analyse everything.

Anxiety can only be countered by actually facing it. Start from trading small and eventually go for larger trades.

That would be an interesting question to pose to beginner traders. How many trades do you think it takes to move on from being a beginner? Similarly, you could ask this from a time perspective, but I think number of trades might be a better reflection of the time spent “learning”.

First of all, the anxiety is normal because it’s a new adventure and you are expected to be nervous like starting every other thing in life. But if the anxiety becomes too much, I’ll suggest you start with a small capital and gradually increase it when you become stable.

Yes, you feel anxious because real money is now involved, but that’s okay. A positive attitude creates positive results, which is exactly what is required.

Any beginner would get anxious when they start trading on a real account for the first time. One effective tool to deal with this anxiety is starting with a small amount of capital until you feel confident enough to trade with a bigger amount. The anxiety will come down on its own once you gain some experience as a trader in the forex market.

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When you trade with a real account, it’s normal to feel anxious. The key to success is acquiring some experience with small amounts and avoiding your emotions impact you.

It is natural to experience anxiety when you start to trade in a real account. Make sure you do this:

  1. Stay calm
  2. Trade when you’re prepared
  3. Don’t trade the money you can’t afford to lose
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When you start trading with a real account, it takes time to build confidence, but confidence can only come from knowing forex well. I get anxious from time to time because I am still learning and exploring forex.

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True that! Confidence is the key.

there’s no cure for it,unless you eliminate your loses

I’ve heard this before. It’s funny how trading becoming boring could be a positive thing!

This is cool because it seems like losing and winning is the same emotion. Not 100%, but similar. It’s not allowing the market to control your emotional state.

A certain amount of anxiety is good cos it keeps the ‘ole greed in check, along with our natural instincts to blow our accounts. It gets less and less if you become profitable. My anxiety is now mostly replaced by disaapointment when I have to close positions at a loss, hence saving myself the anxiety of running a losing trade. This is cos I’m now experienced enough to know that anxiety is often a message that you’re trying to do something too risky!

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Since you are a newbie; that’s why you are facing this issue! So, try to learn from your own mistakes; don’t be upset if you face consistent SL here!

As a beginner, you will find it challenging to control your emotions while trading on a live account. It is perfectly normal. Try to trade with smaller amounts first, and when you start to gain some confidence, consider increasing that amount. With time, you will find that your anxiety will reduce. Outside of your trading time, consider practices that can lower your anxiety.

winning itself is not boring ,the reason im boring is i haven’t win my first million dollar, it took money to win money and im broke af .it’ll probably take few years to reach there ,after that phase ?i’ll let you know if im still boring by then.good pips