I am just looking for a friendly place to digitally hang out with like-minded people in the forex world.
Try here. It’s a great forum with lots of people talking about forex.
Good luck!
LOL…I do love it here, just have to search for new material and posts. Was looking for more of a chat room rather than forum. I always keep babypips open and updated though. thank you for the reply
I’m just curious…
Why are you looking for a forex chat room?
P.S. Try the search engine. There are tons of info buried in the old posts.
Just a fan of live chatting…guess its similar to having discord open while gaming?
Ok gotcha.
For sharing info and analysis?
That and any other BS. Just helps pass the time really.
For now just happy posting to Open Season...Trade Journal - #5 by Friscodan. But it feels like I’m talking to myself
I don’t know how long you’ve been trading, and I mean no offense, but you’re the first person I’ve seen who likes chatting this much in nearly 10 years of trading.
No offense taken. I have been trading on and off for over 30 years. back in the day, it was all about the grind. However, now I find socialization with like-minded people WHILE trading to be highly entertaining.
Have you tried discord chat rooms for trading?
That is where I was going to explore. I was hoping someone here already knew of a good one before I trial and error.
I have been looking for the same. I have been trading for 5 years. Just as a way to stay connected with the trading world. I am on NNFX discord. You can’t talk about everything trading related there though. I got into ome discord which looked active. It turned out to be about trading EAFC 25. A game. Easy to get lost in irrelevant channels.
Because they have a commercially-driven agenda of their own, you mean?
I’m not suggesting that to be rude about NNFX: from what I’ve seen I think it’s clearly among the much better and more sensible trading education things out there - but it has, certainly, a commercial agenda (even if it’s a good one!).
And this is maybe the way, these days? They’re all going to have that(?).