I have read quite plenty of books on forex since I encountered forex. However,many books are either too brief
or unpractical or they only relate to stocks etc. Reading them is a waste of time and money.Therefore, I really want to have advices on all time forex books which are the ones that have a deep impact or impression once after you read them and will like to reread them.
These are the only Forex books in my opinion have great impact on me:
Candleworks by Steve Nilson
Technical Analysis by Murphy
Trading in the zone by Michael Douglas
Enhancing trader performance by Brett Steenphbager
if you want to focus on the best course literature that is given out.
Then you should google Lance Beggs and Al Brooks
and "Thomas Bulkowski not my style "
I have read in reread market wizards in the market wizards and I have yet to see where and aspiring trader can gain anything from reading them. The only value I think in those books would be if you wanted to read about the lifestyle of people the trade for a living. I don’t understand why they are so highly touted across the Internet as must read books. The aspiring trader would not have near the knowledge, nor the capital to trade anywhere like the people in these books. Therefore from a learning perspective there no better than a Forex romance novel.
(copied from my answer on another forum) As far as courses you have to learn the basics, so started babypips.com go through all that material there. And if you still decide you’re interested in Forex. Study Kathy Liens books Do not focus on a trade setups as I don’t believe she can actually trade. (She has admitted in a video that she got where she is because of how she looks not how she can trade) What’s beneficial in her books is her take on how the markets work. This book is just a primer to what you need to know but it’s easy to read and once again allows a stopping point for you to decide do you still want to continue to learn. There are several other books about market dynamics that are also good to read. Learning market dynamics should take you the better part of a year if not more. At that point it would be time to start looking for a method that fits your personality. I’m a scalper and I don’t recommend scalping a 70 tick chart to a new trader. I can however recommend a method. Taught by Tim Lucarelli of FX addicts I learned his method completely and have traded his method. And found it to be a profitable method of trading. A beginning trader would be overwhelmed and probably fail at trading his method in any other method until they complete the steps of learning how the markets work. That must be done before looking for a trading method. Trying to learn a simple buy on green sell on red. With just drain your account.
The greatest book is the experience because you “can” relate. As with some books though you may find it amusing to read there’s little to relate or to take out from.