Nah, nah, nah (see I TOLD you I was drinking tonight)!!! LOL!!!

That’s EXACTLY my point (as per the ‘experiment’ so carefully detailed on this thread i.e. it does not help to lose 1 000% of your nett worth in six years and take twenty years to make it back)!!! That’s not success. That’s just ‘proving a point’. It’s not the same thing.



I think everyone has a period of “learning” in the beginning where they are losing money, but gaining in knowledge and experience. Kind of like a student loan. So when you actually figure out how to make money (if you ever do) then the first feat is to tackle that “debt” you created while learning.

The problem is, and this may be the case for you, that the debt is so large that even when you know what you are doing, you don’t have the time or resources to pay off that debt. Is that frustration you are facing?

I feel like I’m at the “debt payment” stage, and my debt is $14,000. That’s a real number. But I’m young (24) and with what I can do now…that $14,000 will be a minor obstacle in the grand scheme of things.

Why is it that you have to lose money to figure things out? That’s not directed at anyone, just a peculiar curiosity of this industry. I mean it’s not like you have to crash a plane to learn how to fly, using Buckscoder’s analogy haha.

That’s one of his ridiculous analogies. Comparing trying to avoid a margin call and trying to avoid crashing a plane is worthless. One leaves you short of some cash while the other leaves you a red smear on the ground. You can also see as well how anybody who disagrees with him is automatically implicated as part of ICT’s “gang” (who are out to get him or something in his mind) or that Cubanpip is somehow not able to fully think for himself for having his own view of something. If he was able to fully think for himself then he’d agree with Buckscoder. It’s quite a condescending and self-reverential rhetoric which really detracts from the valid points he has sometimes.

All this can be summed up pretty simply. A busted account is no bad thing if it helps you learn to mange your risk properly. It’s not the end of the world, life goes on and hopefully you’ve learned a lesson and will avoid it in the future. If you’re already a risk averse person and can manage risk so as to not blow out any account then that’s just peachy. If both sets of people can go on to become successful traders then great - different people go about the same thing in different ways and just have to find a way that works for them.

The hilarious thing for me, which I didn’t mention before, is that I also have never blown an account! I simply lost a portion of the account, deposited more, then lost it again! I lost $14,500 without blowing a single account! Is anyone impressed? :cool:

Thats like asking a guy ‘which side does he dress on’ LOL!!! Top tip… check out a guys suit (Savile Row), watch (Rolex, Cartier) and shoes (G&D Decco). It tells all! :18: He might still be a sh*t… but well oiled! LOL

Edit: I realize of course that this is hopelessly wide of the mark in the US outside of NY and Chicago financial districts! Sneakers and a baseball cap! LOL!!! But come to Europe and you’ll pretty quickly pick up on the ‘man’.

Well!!! I’m pleased to see that YOU are still around!!! LOL!!! Actually: NO ‘LOL’!!! How come I’ve never ‘heard’ from you again???

Anyway: I probably SHOULD be ‘understanding’. But it’s nothing personal. I’ve got STRESS ‘matey’. I’ve got two Rottweiler *****es that are ABOUT to ‘pop’ (they’re looking like HIPPOS right now and based on previous ‘events’ such as 10 offsrping per ***** this is STRESSFUL to say the least BUT at LEAST they’re ‘pure’). So I’m just passing time until they both ‘pop’ which should be in the next few hours (so I’m trying to keep it together right now is all)!!! LOL!!!



Got your last ‘Oihhh’ email and responded Dale! …?

Good Morning Fellas,

I have a question…

How long do YOU think the Forex will be available for the " retailers"?

You think we have 4 years?

I just have a slight feelings, this wont be here for us forever,

OR, with all the banking problems, will the Forex disolve without Us?

Just some things I was brainstormin,

As long as money and the internet exist - simple.

As long as my au is below 10k a coin I think it will be there.

Congrats to everybuddy who didn’t blow an account or recognized the mistake. There is a tricky trick however to never blow an account: Put in more mooney ROFLMAO! :smiley:

So, just to make it clear: I’m speaking here as one who never blew any account AND never put in more money AND is (still) in profit. So far, lol.

Frankly, those gazillion competitions don’t deliver. You can have a gazillion and still have issues around. There are two sides of every coin. One is income, one is expenses. If expenses are higher or almost as high as the income, your gazillions won’t helpl. Just saying.

I had never a problem with expenses. I pay my bills, I have my fun, I have my goals. That’s it what life is about and not gazillions.

Plus then please let me add: I did not come to forex to solve my bill nightmare, lol. As many do. Or to buy my dream car (sold that first dream car already, lol). My finding of forex was rather random. I searched for something to hedge my overseas transactions.

Good stuff BC,

I googled, " Double your Money " and Forex popped up in there,

Coming from a Horse Handicappin History, that was my goal, Did that for 12 years, then found Forex, haven’t looked at a horse race since, (sept 26th, 2010)

Great profits to Ya

Thank you very much and the same to you! Well, I just write a little about my experience and what I honestly think. When I started with this forex thing, I just thought to myself it’s propably a scam at all, but I thought through (or what I guess it is thinking, lol) and then played a little with bots, because coding in mql is easier than switching the light on. My first bot was ready after a day. Not to say profitable, lol. Just he could trade.

I red some books from Charles Bukowsky. Really entertaining. Also them stories regarding horse race.

You have a great Sunday! :slight_smile:

So, you like to play the range? Like one of my bots does. :wink:

Just to extend that with the answer to the question how long forex exist a little more:

I guess it gets easier and easier to trade/invest. Even if forex would vanish, then there would come around something else. The advantage what we more experienced guys have over those noobs is that we don’t bother it it’s easier or harder, because we know the harder trading/investment. The newbies have to learn a lot and don’t know how hard it was in the history compared to today. Just to file an order. Picking up phones, get charts via snail mail, etc. Pay for real time charts. And so on.

One thing I learned now forever: Don’t fear lost profits in the future! That is a fear what can damage you trading. Just trade. Look for the here and now and just to the point in the future where your actual target may lie. Not any further.

Fear and greed ist the enemy of the trader. I mean not the healthy fear or even greed (we have goals), but the sick fears and greed. If you can find the gentle difference, you will be set once and forever and will never have issues with blown accounts, etc. etc.

I started with a lot less than 100k but when my account balance reached 100k I doubled it in less than a week. last year I made over 280 million dollars from trading forex. My target for this year is 5 billion.

Then I woke up and it was alll a dream ahh well …

If you can do that ($1000 to $10000), then it’s possible to make 100,000 from 10,000, and 100,000 to 1,000,000 in one year ?

Hey Buckscoder I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while, In your bots do you scale out of your positions ?

Mathematically, it’s a completely identical process.

Psychologically it can be like climbing a mountain. Whenever you open a trade, you (should) know that there is a genuine chance you could get stopped out and lose. If you risk 1% on a $1000 account, you’re out $10. If you lose 1% on a $100,000 account, you’re out $1000.

This can affect whether you take the trade or not, and especially HOW you manage the trade. It will be harder to take the loss, and it will be harder to hold on for higher profits (because the big numbers are dazzling, and there is a level of insecurity about greater quantities of money).

Think: mo’ money mo’ problems!

But you can prepare by having a consistent and trustworthy trading method, and sticking to disciplined levels of risk on EVERY. SINGLE. TRADE.


yes I do. Not in all, but in one. It is however a little different than most would do it. Ya know, I am a poor guy (not that rich that I can juggle with gazillions right now) and I do not like to put much of my savings at risk. So, I try to find reliable entries with a fixed stop and if Mr. Market is close to my stop, I can buy very cheap. My stop is still the border line. Meaning: If Mr. Market jumps around above (in long) and hesitating going below, then the trade is fine. So, if Mr. Market thinks to respect my stop, then I can buy for a bargain. And, if Mr. Market goes back up, I just watch my profits skyrocket. But don’t tell that doing any shark food. They have too much emotions and will do it wrong plus get a heart attack, lol. :smiley:


ur welcome! I wish everybody had the attitude as you. Well, I do learn as well from you. So, thanks for that, too!

Well, my points go straight to trading here. And I do not say [U]all[/U] of your points are meaningless. [B]Just the opposite![/B] There are just a few things which get my attention. It’s maybe a communication issue, because you might have another background than I have. Have a wonderful day! :slight_smile:

Best regards