Well, that’s your opinion and it’s yours, mns. I just play around with some bucks and bots. My backtests tell me where it could go. I do not believe. I know. That’s a big difference to those psycho books who tell ya everything goes. No, please no flamewar now because I used that buzzword, LOL! But as it is like any other business (and you drove already some as me), you also know it can head another direction.

To me even forex is not that important. I have had a great life already and I still have and no problems with bills or something. It’s just one of my businesses I have. So far profitable. I also never said it’s not possible to make gazillions in whatever time. However, the more gazillions you wanna make with less time, the less probable it is you will make it.

May I use that word luck here without getting shot? lol. If you build something around a good plan, then luck is something you do not need, but which will help in addition. If you have not a good plan and build your career around luck, then you need luck. The issue with it is: Luck is not always there. It shows up when it likes and goes away if you need it the most.

I wish you however it will work out for you!

Best regards



Talk about ‘a blast from the past’!!! LOL!!!

And how the HELL are you??? It would seem ‘good’???

Yeh well: at leat I’m consistent (in ‘pushing’ Deltastock anyway)!!! LOL!!! (And never forget about Welles Wilder either)!!! LOL!!!

Well the Twitter thing: I was just wanting to test it out for the purposes of sending out details of my orders etc. to anybody interested (on my forums). But there has to be an easier way i.e. I ‘Tweeted’ a few orders this morning but it’s a pain and quite frankly it’s a HUGE responsibility if somebody is relying on that information. As a good example: I’ve had a LOUSY week sleeping this week (for what reason I actually cannot tell you) so I took an afternoon nap today. During that time I must have had at least four or five SAR orders executed which nobody would have known about until much later. And on second thought: it’d be defeating the entire object of what it is that I’m trying to accomplish on my forums i.e. TEACH and HELP as opposed to ‘spoon feed’ (in other words it was never my intention to become a ‘signal provider’). And between my ‘following’ Margaret Brennan (Bloomberg) and OTEP: it’s more of a distraction than anything else (‘they both doth Tweet too much’)!!! LOL!!! So no: my ‘twhirl’ is closed (until I can figure out something ‘useful’ for it)!!! LOL!!!

I know about those ‘algos’. The problem is: most people think that MetaTrader’s EAs will do the same thing!!! LOL!!! One has to wonder why ‘the Goldman Sachs’ doesn’t use MetaTrader instead of spending MILLIONS of USD on proprietary software and on hardware (not to mention renting floor space for their servers INSIDE the exchanges)!!! LOL!!! But yes you’re right. Even in my relatively short time in this business: market BEHAVIOUR has changed and just how much of that can be attributed to High Frequency Trading and those ‘algos’ I do not know (although every now and then the subject ‘crops up’ somewhere and somebody asks the question as to whether or not they are ‘fair’ and, well, you never hear anything again for a few months).

But HEY!!! Nice to ‘hear’ from you again!!! And if you’re doing well then ‘kudos to you’ i.e. you (and everybody else around here for that matter) DESERVES it eventually!!!



I just hope your bots are not the reason I’m having a new ars*hole ripped due to whipsaws!!!



LOL! Hi Dale. I hope you had a nice sleep last night. Oh, that’s why I can see my account tripled right now? :smiley: Thanks, I will keep your money safe and it will have a good place and life here. Don’t worry! :smiley:

Yeh well just be careful!!! When the whipsaws stop the ‘Dale Trend Machine’ will ‘vacuum up’ ALL that ‘free money’ and THEN some!!! LOL!!!

Actually this thread just reminded me of an OLD OLD joke (which I THINK I may have even quoted around here a good few years ago):

It’s about the ‘young calf’ and the ‘old bull’ (no pun intended). It went something like this:

The young calf and the old bull are standing on the top of a hill looking down at many cows feeding in the valley. The young calf says to the old bull ‘let’s RUN down there and fuk ONE of those cows’. The old bull says to the young calf 'let’s WALK down there and fuk ALL of those cows’!!! LOL!!!



Dale, don’t tell such things if the market is still open. Fortunately I was logged out already, but can you imagine what happens, If I spoil all the coffee here over the keyboard, it orders 5 lots short eurusd at a super bull day? :smiley:

I bet those calfs around would be even worse to just get one cow. LOL!


Oh well: that’s it for me for today!!! Let me pay some NICE swap on some ‘bloody’ positions for the ENTIRE weekend!!!

But JUST REMEMBER: what goes up on Friday usually comes crashing down on Monday (and I’m guessing that’s going to start when you short those 5 lots. But no. Wait. YOU have to wait for MY markets not??? MY markets move YOUR markets)!!! LOL!!!

I think I’m relatively ‘safe’ for now though i.e. if you knew how far my SAR orders were from current prices (thanks to Welles Wilder and the current market volatility) it would make EVEN YOU ‘move in ways that you never imagined were possible’ (as Master Tang would say)!!! LOL!!!

Well in spite of the ‘blood on the screen’ (‘AT THE MOMENT’ let me make that clear): it’s been a GREAT WEEK DUE LARGELY in part to this thread!!! LOL!!!




Come to think of it days like this always remind me of something ELSE that’s old:

YouTube - ‪ozzy osbourne bloodbath in paradise‬‏

‘Bloodbath In Paradise’ - Ozzy Osbourne!!! LOL!!!

What??? Is this like ‘call back the past’ day or WHAT!!! LOL!!!

Dale, don’t make fun here of me spoiling coffee over my shorties, LOL! I am a sensitive person with a weak heart. All those cows, remember!

No, seriously, I’ve learned a lot while just reading out of shark food. Some read out of the star constellations, we can read out of here, lol. Blowing accounts seems to become the new mass sport. Like baseball or football or soccer. Now I can imagine you must be very busy in helping others to opening and closing accounts and picking up the ashes and carry to the trash can.

SARs are really great. I coded my own indi here which shows me the sar values of several timeframes. I use not the standard values, though. Plus one of my bots uses it. Not for the classic application, though.

Dale, you have a great weekend!

Best regards



You too (have a great weekend)!!!

I suspect, however, that the ‘entertainment’ over here is FAR from over!!! LOL!!!

And BY THE WAY MoneyNVRsleeps: did you get PERMISSION before posting a longer post than any of mine??? I think not!!! LOL!!! (Good post by the way)!!!




right, then take those decades as investor. Don’t know why it was just 10+ today. Maybe my coffee here spoiled all over, lol. I will Dale blame for it if he gets back on Monday. LOL! I started around 20+, made some money, bought a car for it. Ha ha. Is it really that important if 10+ or 20+? As I said, I could do something 50+ years and could still be bad doing it. The point is: I have the feeling, you sometimes miss my point. I don’t know if that is because of a different “language” we use or culture, or whatever. As with the fear. I just tried to explain that there are healthy fears. Like what keep you off from jumping from bridges or walls something like that. So, 2011 now. I bought my dream car 1992. From my investments which started 2 years ago. Don’t ask me for counting the days please, lol! Could be 1.5 years or 2.5 ha ha. You see how ridiculous that is to count those years? If it’s 19.99 years than its NOT decades and if it’s 20 years, yea then it is. Why do you look for those unimportant things? I mean, to be precise is something which is important at the job or if I make plans, but we are here at an internet forum and that’s a little entertaining and we can share some info, but it’s not like writing a book regarding age statistics, lol. Can you get my point?

Plus it doesn’t matter if you believe if somebody would do it say 20 years and still be bad or not. That was just a general saying. You could start then and ask how many stages of bad or good are there and come to the conclusion that there is no clear line where it is good above and bad below. That’s also an individual, highly subjective point. Most people think of themselfes they are good in what they do. Even some think blowing accounts is a good thing. ROFLMAO! Can you get my point?

I’m not worrying. I just try to write what I think, based on what I observe. That’s part of communication. What you or anybody else is doing then is your own responsibility. And it has not all to do with you. If I remember correctly, you entered this thread rather late. There were some followers here before. Some of them are for sure copycats. Look around and you can find evidence enough. And then if you for yourself believe a blown account is not that bad, it leaves room for the assumption, that you copied that from somebody else. If that assumption is right or not is not that important, is it? I know that you already also migrated some of ict’s speech. Like those snipers, etc. There are also other examples. I’d be careful to take words from somebody like that.

If I tell somebody something, I say that he is better doing in thinking it through and not just believing what I tell. I can tell a lot. It’s just my own perspective.

I do not think anything about your blown accounts other than that what I wrote. You seem still to have a psycho problem with it, defending it. While arguing now you are fine. I do not say you should always now stay in depressive status, lol. Just, I do not think you are already over it. If so, you wouldn’t defend it. Take for example Dale. I guess he said he also blew accounts. And he is not defending it while saying now he is fine. He can just accept it that he made this mistake and he is over it. He accepts the fact that blowing accounts is a bad thing. And to say it doesn’t matter if at least you get your million or whatever it is, is bad bad advice. It’s like saying: Okay folks, today we open a new airline. Lets call it Disaster Airlines. We have a destination. But to improve our trip, you will be carried by a pilot who thinks it’s not bad to ground a plane once in a while. If, at least, he gets to the destination faster. And without repeating a nick name, I find it bad advice as well to use bold words and implant some wishful thinking in students. For 5 years I was a teacher and I know what teaching this is doing with those students. If you want to do something good for yourself, get over it. You blew accounts. You WERE a bad trader. If you can recognize this and only then, you can close that chapter and become a good trader, where you avoid under all circumstances to blow your cash cow. Please take this as honest advice from a friendly person. Not nice, but friendly. Some things are not nice. Like blown accounts. But you must speak over it and you must accept that you made something wrong. If somebody is coming and says: Ah, no problem, you can make it later. No matter if you blew your account. That is very bad advice! And I assure you, every pro trader/investor/pilot/etc. backs that what I say here!

Sure I wish you the same! Get your million, LOL! Or whatever you want! Just believe me that it’s not that easy as somebody might say. You will have hard times. You had already hard times. Those times will come back, if you don’t learn to control your risk. I made also some nice profits today, but it’s just today. What is on Monday or Tuesday, etc. is another thing. You get the big picture. Save your capital, cut your risk! If not, you will find yourself back in blown accounts earlier than you would imagine. Maybe not now. Maybe it goes for a while. Depending on luck that can go for months or years. But in the end those survive who can control risk. Those who just look for the money have a very high risk to become poor. They will lose everything. Their capital and at least their hope and their visions. Don’t let that come to you and PLEASE do not say now this can’t become true! Get over your blown account problem. That’s what I guess is most important right now to you. Much more important than to count your pips.

I never had such problems, because I knew from the beginning I will play safe. I don’t start things which I can’t control. Particular in investments. To me, a margin call would already be a night mare. Because that’s evidence I lost my control. Because my broker would take over.

So, take it just as lesson what I wrote. Think about it. No offending intended. I just tell you how it is. I do not tell it’s nice to have an issue, but you can come over it. IF you start accepting that you are NOT over it right now.

Cubanpip, as I said, I hope you feel not bad now, because I wrote this. It’s really just to help you a bit not to fall for bad advice from others. It seems you found your own way, at least in parts. Try to build up more on that than just blindly (more or less) follow somebody with bad advice (in parts). I wish even more (beside all the nice pips), that you can understand what I wrote here and that you can get over it. :slight_smile:

Dale, sorry for that mega post. I however don’t compete to yours, lol. :smiley:

It depends how he would have done it: if it is pure chance then he will lose that money next year :slight_smile:

I like “whipsaws”. They are fast easy cash :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeh but I’m the ‘old bull’ now is the problem.



Hey Dale, I know you had a rough start, I remember witnessing it real-time on these forums, but what kind of returns are you pulling in these days? Even %-wise, just in case you are $-shy :wink:

Good EVENING!!! I’m a bit pissed now.

But I get the point of your quetion.

Me: I’'d say, over a twelve month period, I’m ‘good’ for an average of 10% per month. Nothing ‘stellar’ but REAL money.

Good or bad???



I’d say that’s stellar actually.

It’s good if its the truth, bad if it ain’t :wink:

Nah. On average (over a twelve month period) that’s what I’m PERSONALLY ‘good for’. Nothing ‘spectacular’ but them I’m getting ‘old bull’. As I said: nothing ‘spectacular’ anymore. But HAY: THAT IS JUST ME (again)!!!



With 10% per month consistent gains, you can take a $10,000 account and turn it into $1,000,000 in approx. 4 years.

You don’t think that’s spectacular?

The average annual income in America is about $45,000. So a million is about 22 years salary for the average Joe.

Keep it up! You should be very wealthy soon :slight_smile:

Nah, nah, nah. I’m talking AVERAGE per month. That’s not REAL money for some. And not for me either given my circumstances BUT the HOPE and the POTENTIAL is there. That is something that no other business on this PLANET (or in this UNIVERSE) can offer. If I was still 19 or 20 years old I’d be experimenting around but given my age I don’t have that luxury. THIS is IT. There is NOWHERE ELSE to go but ‘down’ from here and ‘it ain’t gonna happen’!!!



C’mon Dale, what’s the deal here??

Talkin in circles, contradicting yourself, do you just like the idea of trading or do you actually plan to do it one day?