Yea Viper, some believe whatever somebody tells, Even if it’s just funny tales and not realistic, lol. I read a lot of serious stuff about trading systems and what I can tell a 50-100% annual roi is realistic. Some years might become better ones like 300% or more, some are not that good or it even drives a loss in. Just the average is 50 til 100%. I did also check some bots with different strats for myself and those who make bold money have good periods in a year or two and then thereafter stagnate. And frankly thats a great return and I do not think anybody with a roi of >25% on average is a loser.

The funny thing with almost all telling how much pips just has to be made almost nobody tells how much pips they lost. Just how much them won. There is however the issue that you have two pips for every lost pip just to make profit. And to make it one year or two with overleverage and too much risk doesn’t mean you will survive in the long run. Those guys usually get their awakening if Mr. Market comes up with sort of an exception to the rule. :wink:

Have a nice weekend! :slight_smile:

Rather than believing people I have seen accounts…
so this is not some fantasy…
Another thing…these are not bots…
these are interactive traders…
People who do not make money with a software…they make money based on their decisions…
they do not believe in news trading…in fact these people close their positions before news events
like the regular red flagged events on forex factory
Red flagged events are like a big locomotive engine bearing down on you…You better close your position and get out of the way…!!!
See what happened at 5:30 AM PST or 8:30 AM EST today …check your charts…The movement on EUR/USD was due to the Non Farm Payroll numbers
also it will be interesting for you to check the GBP/CHF currency at the same time…look at the big gap around that time…

always watch your charts at the news event times given at Forex Factory
and all of you should watch the screen starting 4 minutes before news events till at least 15 minutes after news events.

So rest assured these are not BOTS that I am talking about.
also I am not talking about a single system
The 5 traders I mentioned are using different methods…all of them technical trading…
all using interactive methods using technical analysis …and each of the 5 people uses different techniques
and all of them making good money…


your postings are worthless. Because them are too vague. Algo trading or not is not the question, because bots just can do what humans can do and some more, because them are faster.

I know that some can make more. But then look at how many blown accounts they had (and maybe still get in the future) and other things. How much risk? How much drawdowns for over what periods of time in the last 10 years? What roi? Those are the specifics what makes a system or style of trading successful or not. I would not even think a second that blown accounts are flags of a successful trading style, even if there was some huge money made. Looks all more like luck then for some time until the loss streaks set in and not a consistent system over years with proper risk control.

There is one key truth, what seperates the gamblers from the traders: Proper risk control to keep your cash cow alive to have the chance to grow the cow. There is one key issue in every system which makes it eventually useless over the long run: Where risk is too big to handle and the account get’s blown up on any single market activity or some of in the future.

At least, you came up with not one important example of roi or drawdown, just “and all of them making good money…”

That’s not enough to tell anybody and even if it would, that doesn’t mean everybody can make it. Some can have a risky trading style, getting 1 million a year via pure luck and then become a serious trader, risking way less and making good money out of that million. Just “and all of them making good money…” is good for nothing.

Anyways, nice weekend to you as well! :slight_smile:

One Per Cent: High-speed trading algorithms place markets at risk

So we’ll know who to blame when it goes t*its up! :slight_smile:

Ha ha, yes I blame my bots for it then, lol. :smiley:

Nice weekend to you as well! :slight_smile:

I give above an exerpt of your posting.

Buckscoder, why is it necessary for you to resort to making statements like “Your postings are worthless”

and You state “Because they are too vague”

what are you looking for ?
specific methods ?
Well …well…well…
The thread says “Any people making money ?..” My answer is Yes…sireee bob…I know 5 people…
Its kinda like Believe it or not…
BucksCoder…I can understand your frustration…and your attempts to get me to share the details…
however…I dont care if you believe it or not…
Okay…one more small piece of info…my “friend” has made $80,000 profit in the last one year.
okay…so that answers the doubt of people posting winnings and not posting losings…
here we are talking about his pure profit…and I kid you not…$80K
How does he do it…
Here is a clue…moving averages…this is his key
the other traders I know use other techniques…
Believe me or not…I dont care…
but I am sure what I am saying is true !!!

Forget Bots Mr. BucksCoder…Bots suck !!!


Do you have problems with the truth? Rough dollar numbers are worthless.

I guess I made it clear. What counts in EVERY business is ROI and risk. So, forget your distractions. Your $ number is not worth anything, because it doesn’t say anything about the base capital, roi and risk.

And what makes you guess I would be frustrated? LOL! My bots work for me without even my interaction or analyze the market while I sleep. Sure they suck in your eyes, because you don’t have em and won’t get em. :stuck_out_tongue:

Come up with something sustainable like also Viper, who came with roi’s and also I with roi’s of some really big hedge funds or I leave it as it is:

BucksCoder…again you want more details…Ummm…the person I know made money…and slowly multiplied his account…
he started with a $2,000 and now has made 80K in profit…of course he does not leave the money in the Forex account…
he now leaves $20K in his forex account…rest he always withdraws
This is his style…
so well…ROI and such computations are again as I said …unimportant in my eyes
He made from $2K he slowly multiplied his account and regularly withdrew money,
He trades interactively…using moving averages…

Buckscoder…everyone has his style…You have your Bots
It is so simple…I believe in interactive trading.
You make your bots…
I have still to meet a person making money from commercially available Bots which are available a dime a dozen for $100 upwards !!!

Right ?
I am sure Buckscoder —You will respond with some negative comments again !!!


That I comment negative is up to your interpretation. LOL! I just asked something what every single serious investor would ask at minimum before he would invest any dime. At least I hope so, lol. Open for surprises if I read them. :smiley:

That roi is unimportant to you says it all. Doesn’t it? I assume drawdown is also unimportant then?

As I said, those rough numbers are like the quality of the following sentence: I know a millionaire who bought a lottery ticket for 1 usd and now he is a millionaire. That does not say how many tickets he bought before, how long he played the lottery, etc. etc. And as you can see, somebody can become a millionaire with pure luck. He would even be more successful than your examples, because he invested less and got more in shorter time (if you just forget about his other years when he bought tickets).

Sigh. In every serious business (and we drive businesses because of investments, do we?) at least two factors count: ROI and risk, which is in trading directly related to drawdown. As long as you can’t come up with those numbers, your rough dollar amounts are useless. If you are chatting with your friends, what is the issue to ask them about roi and maximal drawdown, risk per trade etc.?

My bots are self made. By my own hands. Not commercially or publicly available. I wrote that already. It doesn’t matter anyways …


I always go for the meat …There are a lot of information about money mangement and ROI and stuff like that is pretty standard…However when it comes to method…this is where a lot of people have issues.

So…yes I did not give details like ROI drawdown and other fancy words…
But it is simple…my friend who naturally traded demo and then went live started with proper money management and built up his 2,000 dollar account to a profit of $80K in 1 year.

I hope you do not knock this again and bash it again.
someday maybe I shall tell you about another trader.
As I said this particular trader swears by interactive trading and moving averages.

He has his rules and methods…and yes…I do agreee there must be something more than just moving averages
but yes…the main thing is moving averages…for this particular trader.

Do You agree with my statement that commercially available bots - and I am talking only about commercially available bots priced anywhere less than 500 dollars - I am not talking about your bots…I am saying
"Commercially available bots costing less than 500 dollars SUCK!"

Right ?

As I elaborated, those rough numbers are useless. Has nothing to do with you in particular. :wink:

I have no other opinion over bots which you can buy that if they would really great why would the founders sell them instead of using them for themself like I do? Anyways, that doesn’t say something about the exceptions from the rule. Never say never or ever.

well…I am happy that you are inclined to agree that commercially available bots costing less than 500 suck!!

But as I said the meat of my friend Trader who made $80K is moving averages…
To all readers of this posting…

There is always some more information to build a successfull method
but look for the meat first…
The above is a big big clue !!!

See. That is not what I wrote. I agreed somewhat, but not in the direction you recall it and regardless of any price. Precisely spoken. And it doesn’t matter either to me, because I have my own bots. I do not need others or other strats.

Anyways, that your are happy is nice. It just rises the question: Why would you be unhappy if I would not agree (somewhat)? People (individuals) have different (individual) opinions and I do not see any issue with that. Regarding trading there are also some factors which makes it possible to compare systems (bots or manual systems) in an objective way. That’s roi, drawdown and some others. :wink:

of course no human being can possibly evaulate all the bots commercially available which cost less than 500 dollars and come to the conclusion that “They SUCK"
however based on all the knowledge that You and I have we can safely come to a conclusion that
"All commercially available bots costing less than 500 dollars Suck!!”

LOL! I definitely do not agree with that statement. So, are you unhappy now? There you got it! :stuck_out_tongue:

The conclusion would be: You can for yourself objectively check every system if you backtest or forward test it and compare roi, drawdown, etc. That is the way to go and not hearsay.

buckscoder ---- ROTFL - I fully expected this as your answer…

This is where is the difference…between You and Me…Hopefully one day you will see the light !!!


always appreciated if ppl take care about my well being. Though, I have seen a lot of lights already. Some brighter, some rather dim … Now please excuse me, because I see the light of a very particular button there … :smiley:

So are we going to be told of any of these systems by these traders that have made it big or just here for the fun of it? just fishing for bait…

If I knew the details I would not be here…I would be making millions and sitting in the Bahamas
As I said…Take Trader A - he made 80K using moving averages…This is the meat…
Rest you have to figure out…
I am super confident that this is the truth …The trader made 80K starting with 2K and he made this in 1 year

So basically they said they made that money and it involves MA’s but go figure yourself - hmmmm that would piss me off !!!

Thing is i know a trader and all he uses is a handful of reversal candles, MACD purely for divergence and 1 select market…I looked at this for a few months and gave up as he simply would not give the answer and why should i continue looking for something if im going in blind as such…hence back here after a few months.