buckcoder do you teach or post anything useful or helpful or just be da guy that likes to talk like somebody who kows what they are talking about but never really putting their 2 cents where there mouth is. not trying to be rude just seems you like to sound more like a critik that a real trader or at lest one that helps. heck if it goes to hundred gran thats something more than I see on here by posts and arent you the same guy who said his thread is not good. i hope he does it and rubs the douter noses in it ha ha go get ict


No offense is meant to YOU but I think if you look at some of BucksCoder’s posts and READ them you’ll be pleasantly surprised and I’m sure you’ll be able to ‘put your mind at ease’.



whats a copyandpaster


sorry to scratch a dent in the image of your idol! It is however not how you mentioned it. We are here in an open discussion forum and if somebody says he makes 1 million and then makes only 1/4 of a million he missed his own goal. If the same guy is then popping up and says that isn’t important, that’s self cheating. If 3/4 of a goal is not important, what then is important? I said nothing about his methods, because I just didn’t follow or to say it more precisely I am not a follower. I am just in general warned if people try to tell me they make millions, then say later they made less and then try to tell it doesn’t matter. So, that’s my personal opinion and that’s what I wrote. Plus this was only an example to draw the big picture about trading. If you believe ict is a great trader and you can profit from it, go ahead please! I will NOT stop you from that!

You know what a copycat is?

I do know what you mean Buckscoder. There are people that want someone to “hold their hand” while they trade and make all the tough calls so that they have someone to blame when the trade goes bad. It just hurts their ego too much to admit that they made a bad call. They are obsessed with finding a reason for their failure, and they know if they are following a leader, they can always badmouth the leader in order to save their ego.

I am in the ICT thread a lot, and I can assure you I don’t idolize him. I recognized early on that he was sharing tools (for free) and I put in the work MYSELF to test them out. I adapted them to my own trading style and am really happy with the results. I think the TOOLS ( I call them tools and not a system) are really excellent, and if for some reason I meet abject failure in the future, it will be my fault not ICT’s and I know that.

As for his million dollar challenge, I think what he means by saying 1/4 million is not a failure, is that he will have demonstrated that it is possible to compound an account by DOUBLE DIGIT factors. He’s only going for a million because he knows the “newbies” (aka poor people working jobs they hate, like me haha) have a special attachment to that ‘million dollar’ value. The idea of “being a millionaire” has some significance to these people. He’s using that as a goal to garner some attention, he admits that, but the real magic is the incredible feats of compounding that you will not see ANYWHERE else, because the people who can do that generally shutup about it.

He’s rich and he wants to share with us how he got rich. I get why he is doing it, and I think the only people who are offended by it are people with big egos.

Well, I agree with most of what you wrote.

Just, why do you think that people would be offended if somebody would like to share how he got rich? I do not have a clue what you are thinking there, lol!

Then, if this million is so important to many, it is even worse if somebody tries to deliver to those dreams and can’t prove it later. Why not just saying, okay it can be done maybe in a year or sometimes it takes 2 or more years? That would be closer to the truth.

Don’t get me wrong, please! I have no problems with followers or ict. Exactly the opposite is true! Letz say you are successful in the long run, I can just say: Well done! Great!

However, we live in a world where dreams become reality just for a few. I’d like this to be decoupled from specific leaders or followers. If you would not be successful in the long run, because that strat would become unsuccessful in the future (because too many use it) or it would be a scam or become one, that would mean more ppl who pay for others profits. So then it would become even more a question why somebody would be offended. I hope you got what I think, lol. :slight_smile:

However. Regarding my strats them are confidential. Because if I would reveal them to the public, they would become less successful. We all know that the hawk eyes of pros at Wall street traders never get closed. Do we? Why should I reveal my strats to them? And here comes my nose into play: Why would anybody like to reveal his successful strats to the public? As I said. Just for discussion. Not a specific person in mind.

That must be english humor. I can’t understand it, lol. :smiley:

Okay I’ll decouple from ICT related banter, and get to the core of this.

It is my belief that the ‘big players’ that move a LOT of money, be it for speculative or commercial purposes are limited in the way that they can do that. There are certain ways in which you must accumulate and distribute (recognize those words?) their positions in order for it to be efficient. For instance, if you want to accumulate a Long position, you’ll take out some Weak longs’ sell stops First, and THEN run the price up with your buying. It is more efficient to do it that way, rather than to start buying right off the bat, because then you are ‘competing’ with the small players rather than using your size to take them out.

I like to work my analysis around concepts like this, always trying to figure out what these ‘footprints’ look like when the big players are in the market, moving price.

I also believe that they do not care about little retail speculators, following in their footsteps. They hide them very well, and they are designed to take advantage of the weak (call 'em dumb if you want) players who are too predictable in their thinking. They are driven by instincts of fear and greed, and will consistently make the wrong move. For every guy like me or ICT who is following what they are doing, there are 8 or 9 guys who just don’t have a clue and end up falling into the traps they set.

So all in all, I don’t think they need to “steal” our strat because they can already move the market. Because of my size, I’m forced to FOLLOW, while they have the power to lead. They’d probably laugh at you for thinking they would need your strat in order to make money, haha

Hmm, maybe they would laugh about my bot what makes good money. But I’d rather like to leave it as an assumption. Plus if that works out for years, there might come the time where my pockets get bigger as well. Then, I observed already the reaction of ppl who got aware that I have successful strats. :wink:

What I’ve red is that those big pocket guys indeed had problems to get more money. So, here we are at the same point. On the other side, I red also, that’s the reason why the big pockets invented retail trading. To increase liquidity. Because there was not enough liqui anymore just involving banks and big companies. If that was the reason, it is obvious that retail trading plays a bigger role in the strats of those big pockets than they would like to say.

I also red something about bots which became unsuccessful quick when they were revealed to the public. If you see some news spikes, that is the reason. A bot revealed to the public. The guy with the earliest ip packet or best connection gets the worm.

Anyways, that doesn’t explain why somebody would like to reveal his strat to the public. What I can see, those could be theoretical the reasons to do it:

a) He is a philanthropist
b) He don’t cares if his strat will become less successful
c) He wants to get some followers to push up his trades (pyramiding, snowball, etc.)
d) He wants to become publicly known as great trader (sort of proud, ego)
e) He wants to get some followers to get paid later
f) He believes it doesn’t matter
g) He is an idi ehm somebody with extraordinary intelligence

I mean, there are probably a million more reasons. Just to mention a few major ones. So, letz look at the logical thinking behind those reasons:

a) likely? As I said. I checked a lot of strats in backtest. 99% and more are cra…b food. So, why would anybody reveal his successful strat in detail to the public to help others? If my theory is right and if it is right what I read about it that the more ppl use the same strat it becomes less successful, he would not just lose a successful strat so he couldn’t anymore help others. It would also not help others.

b) likely? Well, not very. Such a guy would probably not be able to develop a successful strat.

c) likely? Absolutely! There are uncountable snowball or pyramid systems on earth. Some win with it. Those are the guys who join first. The last attendees pay for them all.

d) likely? Yes, but not to a great extent. That pays for nothing.

e) likely? Yes. Like c)

f) likely? I do not think so. It’s the same as with case a/b by the way. If somebody can invent a real good strat then his intelligence is likely higher than that of the mean. That means, he is well aware of the possibilities that such strats may become unsuccessful if they are revealed to the public.

g) likely? Same as with f.

So, as I said. That’s my personal opinion backed up by some readings and a little experience. If something is too good to be true, it probably is. Particularly if those are using bold words. Decoupled from any person, though.

  1. I would be surprised if there wasn’t.

  2. It really depends on the tax laws, benefits, and tax bands of the country in question. If by a “business entity” you mean a company or corporation, then this will always be the way to go after a certain level of revenue is reached, simply because of the tax cap level, which keeps increasing for an individual, and also due to how operating expenses, profit etc. are all worked out to give a taxable income figure. Of course if you are trading out of a country such as Brunei or UAE, then tax considerations are meaningless.

Well this thead has gotten deep! LOL!!! BC is right if you have or think you have a proven long term winner, then why would you share the specifics?

Unless your in it for the dollars you would otherwise not make? Andy Sheerman repeatedly wants to sell me access to real time side by side trading for $5000. Now call me a sckeptic but if he’s so strong a trader… why does he need the $5k? LOL!!!

This will be my last submission to this thread… but I can only speak for myself. I trust the concepts I trade with can be freely shared and still human nature being what it is… and the lack of discipline the majority lack will not follow it as it is intended. Many will walk away from this and conclude it’s not worth it or effective. I do it, that is share, because I know there is one if not more… who are believing to themselves there is someone “out there” that understands what not to do and what to focus on. I reached that point and longed for the day I could be that person I myself was looking for and never found. A genuine free spirit willing to help without a request or need for monetary reward or payment. I personally feel no price is good enough for what I trade… and since it’s so valuable… those who come away with it and find their stride… will appreciate the gift I freely shared.

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

You’re so caught up in your own paranoia and cynicism, I think it would be physically impossible to describe to you the reality of the situation. You put too much weight into “things you’ve read”, am I supposed to take “things you’ve read” as truth?

Here’s some logical thinking for you.

If someone comes on the internet and teaches me how to use some simple trading tools, and then I make money consistently using those tools without ever giving a cent to the person that taught me, do I really care WHY the guy came on the internet to share the tools in the first place?

Yes or No? Remember to use your logic thinking, and not things you red on the internet!

Michael. I’ve no reason to suspect you are anything less than an hounourable man. In fact if you have gotton past the scrutiny of Clint and I judge by his early comment on your ICT thread you have, you are both honourable and experienced! Sadly though there are many so called ‘experts’ out there only too happy to charge the unwary huge sums for their collective wisdom. $5000 to learn how to scalp 20 pips as an example.

Well, that’s your own (foolish?) interpretation, lol. I am just not anybody who can be fooled easily. Because I have a good lot of life experience. “Buy one, get one free, lol.” That kind of stuff. :wink:

Then, there is nothing wrong with reading books. Reading books is way better than all that fancy stuff on tv or the net like youtube. I’m educated to read and understand and ask what’s the motive behind something and not trust easily. Because that gives me way more insights than to those people who are ignorant, just dancing on the volcano, lol. You get more educated it you ask, not if you not ask. So, I hope that gives you a little of an answer to your question.

Then, if I read your postings, them are full of pseudo science and assumptions. “Footprints” for example. What footprints? It this market is so big as it seems, like several trillion dollars a day, how can anybody as single party leave footprints? Makes no sense! Crowd behavior, yes. But no footprints of single parties. Just speaking about longer tfs and not the noise on shorter tfs. Then, if you state that the big pockets shake the small pockets out to do their move, why then don’t the small pockets are not important? If they wouldn’t be important, the big pockets wouldn’t have to shake them out. I suggest you to think and read a little more than just to believe everything what’s popping up at you way.

What I also recognize, that followers often are fanatic. Do you believe that leaves room for objective trading decisions in the long run?

Again, this has nothing to do now with any person here. Just to mention how I think and act on “get rich quick” or “easy money”. There is no easy money. You have to work for it. You can try to find something, analyzing charts, whatever, but if you don’t do it for yourself, then you are set to the fallacy of luck. I have backtested A LOT of strategies and some show profit for a year or longer and then they give you big losses. So, just a profitable trade here and there doesn’t say anything about the long run of a strategy or your capability as trader. Even I made it from 1k to 2k in 4 months. Then back down to 1k and now it’s growing again. With a strat backtested and live tested now for almost a year. Anyways, 6 months or a year is nothing in this business. I am an investor since more than 10 years. I can tell you! So, I feel much better with my own strategies and analzying than to just follow blindly because I have some luck and others say, “oh that’s a great guy, i made 3 profits last week.”

Try to google something about random bots. They show you that even a bot who randomly opens and closes orders makes millionaires. A lot! That’s the good news. The bad news is: There are more going broke with such a bot. Because here the expenses count in. Anyways, I’m sure that those millionaires could tell you they’ve found the holy grail. Even if it was just based on luck.

In 10+ years we will see who is still “in the game”. I have survived the last 10 years and not with a bad profit. That is one truth of it’s own.

You see the market from a coder’s perspective, and I see it from a trader’s perspective. We compete in the same arena but our approach is actually quite different. I’ll never believe in trading with bots, and you’ll never believe in trading with the ‘smart money’! I think we’re done here, but I’ll definitely catch up with you in 10 years!

See ya then

Good question. Sort of a waste of time to speculate on, however. The reason is simple, most people won’t show you their true trading records. The internet/hacking etc. is getting very sketch these days (id you hear Lockheed Martin was recently almost hacked as of May 21st)

Just a comment, a good trader doesn’t necessarily have to know it all. Someone can be truly good that has mastered their own specific style/type of trade etc.

LOL! You missed the point again and are trying now to distract. Anyways, a coder who trades and I trade also manually, because if I wouldn’t, I couldn’t code profitable(!) trading bots, knows both worlds. Most pro traders would agree that this is a statistics business and for statistics a bot is exactly the right tool. Then, you have to learn more to code your strategy into a bot, not less. People with limited education in IT can’t imagine what computers do and how they do it. Because that’s beyond their horizon. Understandable! If they would know what power one can have with coding repetition patterns (and nothing else is trading) they could save a lot of time and energy. However, the issue comes in if they deny education because they are too lazy to read, ask and learn and in the end deny the opportunities, particularly if their egos can’t accept that there are guys on this planet who are more successful.

I can backtest a dozen strats in a matter of hours precisely where you would have to trade for years to get the same information. If I find something with extraordinary success, I can use that instantly. Sure, coding is not easy. Particularly for pattern recognition. I started coding 30 years ago. You have to learn for years, decades, to become a good coder. It also sharpens your mind and reception. That’s a hassle many people don’t like.

Most big institutions use computers for trading right now. I worked in one of those institutions. It’s a quick development. So, the future lies in algo trading and not in discretionary trading. If you like that or not is irrelevant. It reminds me at the seventies and eighties when the press workers tried to block the distribution of computers in their fields. You know what the end of the game was? They lost! Whoever stands in the front of a mass development will lose.

As I said, I am not new to investments. I survived the tech stock crash. Be assured I will be there in 30 years! What I’m doing right now in forex markets is just a tiny portion of my capabilities. Plus I never blew any account. Not even on demo, lol. You know why? Because I don’t fall for wishful dreaming, dogmas and scharlatans, because I ask, because I love to learn and get more education and because I am not one who sets his ego in front of logics and thinking through!

allow me to be blunt.

I don’t care about you or anything you have to say

No problem. I guess that’s what ignorants are doing. LOL!