Whoa. Gentlemen!!!

Not to be a ‘buttinsky’ here but it ‘breaks my heart’ to see this type of ‘banter’ between two HMs!!!



Akeakamai - just add him to your ignore list if you don’t want to hear any more of the self-reverential diatribes.

Good afternoon Dale.

Sorry it’s your thread where this “banter” is going on. I can understand you. But you can’t stop that at all if there are fanatic and ignorant followers. They do follow blindly, whereever it goes. Not asking, not looking, not hearing. Set up for their next failure. Overconfident and ignorant. That’s how it is and will ever be. They jump from one hope to another. History is full of stories where those followers had succes in the beginning and in the end they lost together with them leaders. Dare to say that, but it’s the truth.

I never said ict is a bad trader, btw. I just pointed to something what sounds like wishful thinking. And wishful thinking is something a trader should avoid in all circumstances. So, that doesn’t fit at all.

Regarding that “gentlemen”. I guess there is no “gentlekids” or “gentleboys”, right? So, I wouldn’t expect too much in those anonymous forums, lol.

I’m outta here.

Happy pipping to you! :slight_smile:


Hey: it’s not MY thread (although I think I’ve posted some real ‘crackers’ on it i.e. one or two of my ‘best to date’ in MY opinion anyway)!!! LOL!!!

I just hate to see my fellow HMs ‘going it at each other’ is all.



Okay Dale, it’s not your thread. I thought you started it, because I found a lot of useful info here from you. Anyways, then it’s your thread anyways, lol.

Regarding “banter”. That’s part of life. So, I do not like it either, but you can’t avoid it in all circumstances. Except you would keep your mouth shut and let them sheeples run in their disaster blindly. I like to point to some truths. Sheeples don’t like that. Because then they can’t point to their leader and blame him. They indeed had a warning sign before, so it’s their own fault. That even ict popped up here after my small pointing to a detail says a lot, doesn’t it? If somebody talks about the devil and he shows up … Something like that. I do not say he is a devil, lol! Then you can’t be everybodies darling without being everybodies fool. Dare to say the truth again. LOL!

Again, happy pipping to you! That’s it what counts. :wink:

I realize I stated I wasn’t going to post in this thread but Buck… I’m afraid I have to respond to this nonsense…

Firstly, let me state I say the following with respect to you as a Forum member. However, with that said, please allow me to address the comments your recent post attempted to, for a lack of a better term, dribbled about me.

I think it’s very poor class for you to assume you can talk down to others and toss verbal grenades in these threads and assume all the while it makes you seem… I’m sure in your own mind… you are a credit to your kind. I for one have a difficult time just wading through your babbling to see any point in it all quite frankly.

I responded to the original poster and operator of this thread, to whom I apologize for having to address this rhetoric and well; the run of the mill troll skit. I didn’t respond to your post Buck… again, like I stated in a separate thread, you assume too much and give yourself too much credit. I, with respect I might add, for the most part ignore you… and your posts. I seen your kind before and it’s tired really. Spouting off about “sheeple” and “followers”, leads one to naturally assume you long for such things yourself. I don’t invite idol worship, nor do I try to be the “One”… I simply spend my time and energy trying to encourage and share insights that you claim you read and or have read in your “stellar career” in investing in books while I lived it and do it. I’m not a text or book subject, I’m a living Trader who has done it… been there and done it… as a losing Trader and a Profitable Trader.

I’ve been trading for 17 years now and while I admitted in numerous places I toasted multiple Forex accounts early on… this is by no means where I am and the entire story. I disclose the reality that I have and do lose money. I didn’t wake up one day an start Trading Forex… I’ve traded everything. I’m real… I’m not Michael Douglas as you have for your avatar, I am Michael Huddleston the actual person. I am making a run at helping others… I aim at seeing others make it on their own steam. I just want to follow their success stories… what encouragement do you share when you post utter nonsense that leaves readers to only assume you are a bitter person that lacks either class or intellect to know what others might think of your posts… or your aim is to come across as a rude individual in general when you can’t have any attention or credit for something positive?

A devil I’m not… and I assure you… ego like yours is a heavy burden. You can tell a lot about a person in their writings and I see through yours. Call it a hunch… but I suspect you are the “Average Joe” we all know about. Now you can respond to this in a huff or stumble over the English language in attempt to flame me and others who are doing nothing more than trying to help themselves… for free. However, know that I am in no way “genuinely” or overly concerned about ignorant folks who call out others just to draw attention to themselves. Did you at any time genuinely consider the creator of this thread and their inquiry? Did you contemplate the perspective that individual may have of you and your “advice”… seeing your posts are full of aimless “banter”? Obviously you did not… as you clearly thought it was Dale’s thread.

If a person posts aids or suggests something might be worth while in trading ideas… you step in and start, quite fruitless I may add, to knock it down. Leaning to your “bots” as your Buckscoder Decoder Ring to solve the riddle of the charts… you leave no room for others to objectively walk away from your post concluding anything but narrow-mindedness.

I don’t spend time worrying about others thoughts of my trading… they do not spend my money or feel the effects of losing the money on unprofitable trades I make. If I worried, I wouldn’t be showcasing it for all to see and criticize and hopefully find insight in. My tools work… and I know they will continue to work, unlike your “strats” which must remain “safely guarded”, despite who or how many know about it. If you worked in the institutions as your posts stated… you would know many of the methods I’m revealing… as they are in fact what banks and large hedge funds use and effectively skin the Forex cats that do not know them. If you have the credentials you claim… exercise them and be a positive influence for others and at the very least… the new traders that make their way to these Forums. This is why, in my opinion, many are silent guests and go unspoken for fear of “Trollzilla” taking shots at their posts.

A final response to the original thread topic… yes there is a Real Experienced Profitable Trader here making what you asked. Aren’t you glad you inquired?

Have fun and as always… [B]GLGT [/B]:57:

LOL! I leave it as it. You can write a whole book and not come to the point. Fantastic! You know what? The only emotion I feel if I read that is pityfulness. You as well seem to have a very distorted reception. Sorry to say that.

Just one last word. I did NEVER EVER blow any account. And I am far away from it. So, who is the better trader then? You can have a trillion years of experience, but in competition of blown accounts you can’t compete to my trading. Take it as it is. And a million and 1/4 of a million is a difference. If you like that or not.

Yea. I have fun. Really! Have a great day and less blown accounts in the future! LOL!

You confirmed everything I just posted. :wink:

Yeah… you are the better trader. Run with that one and let’s see how far it gets you.

Just so you understand… I toasted accounts at levels well over starting at 50k ramped to 500k pushing it hard. I can accept your challenge to a live trading contest… pick your best “bot” and I’ll stomp a mudhole in it’s source code. Heck, take the next few months to write a better one… pit your genius against my live trades in September Buck… come on… I’ll make you famous. :wink:

If I lose I will even send you a cashiers check for 10k to boot!

I have nothing against you or your trading or posting contradictions style, but try to be open for some critics. A million is not the same as 1/4 million.

Regarding me: I do not matter. If you like it: I am the worst, smallest, with demo acc. trader on earth, coding the worst bots and shame on me! LOL!

As I said. Have a great day and no blown accounts! Seriously. Leave it at that.

I rest my case… :cool:

[B]GLGT [/B] :wink:


It’s been amusing so far. Why does it have to stop?

Yeah, you know. I or my bots compete against the markets and are profitable so far. That’s what this business is about. :wink: I take time as friend and not as enemy. That’s why I do not compete against years or months. I will get my billion sooner or later. If you believe me or not does not matter to my account or my “ego” and your arguments are simple none arguments, but rude behavior and assumptions. There is a better way to say something like that. Via pm. Sure you are not the devil. There is just a quote. Has nothing to do with that you are a devil. I wrote that. Another saying now is probably better: If you hit the nail on the head and the head shouts, it hit the nail on the head. Think about it as exercise if you like.

Again, have a great day and try not to blow too many accounts. :wink:

Good (very early morning) to you all (well it’s very early morning here now anyway). It’s so cold here that I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d get up and do something constructive like check on my futures positions and see what goes on overnight at BabyPips only to find that ‘you lot’ have been ‘at it’ the whole night again!!! LOL!!!

As I noted to a GOOD FRIEND of mine: this (thread) is probably as close at it gets to what it must be like trading in the pits!!! LOL!!!

Anyway: I’ve got a WHOLE DAY ahead of me now and YOU guys must be tired by now surely so ‘back to your corners’ and I’ll ‘ring the bell’ (the opening bell i.e. no pun intended) in a few hours time!!! LOL!!!

And if it’s alright with you Mr Gecko: I know you don’t need the $10K so can ICT send it to me rather??? LOL!!! (NO competition though i.e. just a gift)!!! LOL!!!



Haha, Dale you can always lighten the mood!

Don’t be greedy now, I think a 50/50 split is in order with that 10K, I got the crowd all riled up after all… :wink:

Correct! I know I wouldn’t.

Good afternon Dale!

Yea, what must that must, lol. Every politician can print money, so why not make a million in a day? I am a rather classic investor and have my “golden” private central bank already with real money and not that debt produced printed bathroom tissue with empty promises. :wink: 25% a year is not a bad profit while just sitting on it, isn’t it? Sorry to say I can’t give that away. So, yes why is ict not giving the money to you? He can make a million (or a 1/4 million which is a million for him) every year WITH WARRANTY. I hope he didn’t miss the minus in front of the number, ha ha. :wink: No, ict, sorry. But I thought you (ict) would have some humor. Sorry in advance, if I am wrong, lol.

That’s what I ask myself all the time: If somebody may get so out of control with his emotions, how can he trade emotion free? I will never understand that, lol.

And ict, thank you for that psycho session yesterday. That saved me a lot of bucks already where I do not have to go to a doctor now. It will probably take me a lifetime to fiddle what is the secret holy grail formula behind your remote psycho studies, but: Appreciated!

Nice pippin to you (Dale) and all others (ict included)! :slight_smile:

Good morning Mr Gecko.

I see you’re keen to get started but you’re early i.e. ‘the bell’ only rings in one hour and twelve minutes time!!! LOL!!!



Bell? Sorry. i have never learned to live after ringing bells, lol. In school we had one. That’s the last bell I can remember.

But letz do a little math: If somebody says he can make 1e6 out of 1e3 in a year. That would be then 1e(3x10) in ten years. Right? If that goes, that means a small 1e30 equity after ten years. I believe Mr. Geither would be doing better not looking for the gop to agree with his small debt budget ceiling, but calling ict. He can make more money in less time. Plus he could bail out then all the piigs as well. We would be all rich and nobody has to work anymore and all are driving Ferraris. Ha ha!

Just for the visible relations:

Thats the debt of the US: usd

15 trillions (around that) or 15e12.

Thats what you can make with a holy grail ict style:

Sorry for the points and change that to comma for US numbers.

I just KNOW I should not be ‘poking my nose around here’ but I have to admit that the Geithner part is hilarious!!! LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!!



I kow I shouldn’t either Dale. But so it’s nice I shared my amusement with you. :slight_smile:

Better don’t start thinking what equity that would be if all the followers are doing the same. You might get problems with rolling on the floor overload. We must wait for new inventors who invent bigger numbers as exist today. Well, may be some sort of space cowboys from other planet’s can help. We could bailout them, too. Then, 42 is the holy grail number some “bot” told me lately.