If you blew 9 out of 10 accounts, $1000 each, but then took the last $1000 account to $100,000 would you then consider this 10 account experiment a success or failure?

There really is only 1 answer, no matter how insane you are…


Well: to me it’s only a success once you reach $100 001 (and more) on account number 10 because after all that time and ‘pain and anguish’ you’re REALLY only at breakeven at $100 000 (and actually not because you’ve lost all of that time which can NEVER be recovered and f*ck knows what else up until that point). To me: it’s just unfortunate that most people (including myself obviously) seem to have to go through the other 9 accounts as per your experiment is all because it’s REALLY not necessary (in hindsight of course and THAT is the problem). You ‘know’ my ‘story’. I’ll consider myself a success when I have my ‘life’ back (and then some of course). All I’m saying is that I don’t believe all the blown accounts (in my case anyway) were necessary if I look back NOW and compare it to what I’m doing NOW. I’m trading the same systems that I started with for cryin’ out aloud and even if you EXCLUDE my little ‘tweaks’ along the way: traded ‘by the (original) book’ would have been fine. I lacked the discipline to follow the trading systems and the discipline to adhere to risk and money management rules and those two rules certainly don’t require a degree in economics (or anything else for that matter) to institute and follow. So I guess I could say NOW (for myself anyway): that I was just not ‘ready’ or that I was ‘ill prepared’. It’s not that I wasn’t AWARE of these rules. I, as a person, simply was not ‘ready’ or was ‘ill prepared’ and, well, the rest is history really. That’s all I’m saying.




As has been pointed out to me by cubanpip2010: my ‘math’ above is TOTALLY wrong. See apologetic post (with DISCLAIMER though) a bit further down the thread. There’s no point in my editing my post above as I’ve already been quoted and that will only serve to confuse further. My apologies (here too).

Oops!!! My apologies!!!

I thought we were losing $10 000 on accounts 1 - 9!!!

So yes: based on the CORRECT figures then I would say that the experiment was INDEED a success!!! LOL!!!

Sorry for that.

THAT BEING SAID though: even if this WERE the case it depends on how LONG it took you to get to that point??? I mean to say it’s NOT a success if it took you six or seven years to blow accounts 1 - 9 and twenty years to become profitable on account 10.



Good afternon together.

Well Clint. I am no cowboy with “stones”. I am an educated trader/investor with a lot of experience. I trade against the market and not against some virtual market. Like a person. Best of all I do not need anything for my ego. “Stones” is that ego category. I would be an idiot if I would do that. I guess there are enough types of those guys out there. It doesn’t need one more, lol. As I said, if you don’t believe me, believe what you want. Doesn’t matter to my account. You seem to advertise here and at other threads for what you believe is the holy grail now. I find that very suspicious. This is an open forum and everybody can show his strat. But he can do that in his thread and ict used alread bold words there. Bold, because I do not believe one man on earth can know what others want know. He writes, he knows what everybodies desire is. I am sure whoever wants to become rich quick will find his thread without your help, lol. That to say, I like your other statements and “work” at bp. But here, sorry. To me as “observer” it looks like as it always looks. At first it works. At least you learn something. But you throw money into a black hole. Some might win a little, though. Anyways, good luck to you and happy pips!

Regarding ict I can also say, I don’t care. If he makes that million every year consistently or not or 1 teramillion or more, that doesn’t matter to me. If he makes it, I feel not jealous. Well done, then. I just know that his style is nothing to me. I play safe rather than sorry. Plus I can not understand why even one with such amounts of money put his real name on the internet. Because that gives a lot of open doors to criminal subjects who might like to reach for his money. Letz say I would be rich (which I am not), I would everything do but tell that anybody. At least, his story is not written until the end. It’s like with an open trade. If you don’t liquidate it, it can become a loss later. Even if it’s in the profit zone 1 pip close to the target.


sorry if you can’t understand what I mentioned. Maybe think a little through and you might get it later. Happy pipping to you as well!

Have fun, folks! :slight_smile:

That’s cool. I’ve watched some of his videos, looks like he trades very similar to me. Strategy based off of expanding range, pivots, Fibonacci pivots possible there on his video as well. One I watched he appeared to be entering during Asia. All sounds very familiar to me.

I agree! But don’t tell that the fish food. We need some bucks, right? So, why not giving advice of some pyramid style trading system where you can become a gazillionaire in seconds. Or at least a 1/4 gazillionaire, lol.

If I put those words into google: “pyramid trading system scam”, hit the search button afterwards,

I get: About 447,000 results (0.26 seconds).

I am too lazy to read all that. But I am sure, if something is too good to be not true, it is true, lol. As I said. Instead of egos showing up, I suggest Mr. ict now call Mr. Geithner and tell him how to solve his 15 trillion debt issue. Then, maybe he can become the next president. If there is no issue with his bc, lol. Or does that matter at all?

Math is really exciting, isn’t it?

I found a better and quicker way now. If you can make 1e6 out of 1e3, you can also make 1e12 out of 1e9, right? So, if ict would call Mr. Geithner and tell him the system, then he could go ask the gop members to lent him say another 15 billions (that’s just peanuts. A tiny portion to the tiny 15 trillions they spend alreayd, like around 1 per mille) and then if Mr. Geithner uses ict system for a year he can pay all the debt of 15 trillions back. I believe, as you all my fellow Americans know that you would just profit from it, because a zero debt household at DC is a warranty for tax cut, right, you should better push ict to call Mr. Geithner than to listen to somebody like me. Or you could do that also for yourself. Call Mr. Geithner, show up with your system and here we go … a really patriotic act! :slight_smile:

What’s your real name?

Hi RossJaklik,

that doesn’t matter. I have no connection to Mr. Geithner. So, I can’t help. But look at the phone book for his number. Or drive to the white house. I am sure, if you show up there with this guaranteed consistently all year in and out “1e12 out of 1e9 system”, they will roll out the red carpet for you. :wink: LOL!

It’s funny. I’ve never been able to ‘take’ to ‘the Geithner’. I preferred ‘the Paulson’!!! LOL!!! I watched EVERY HOUR of him and ‘the Ben Bernank’ getting ‘grilled’ by Barney Frank (and the rest of the various Senate Committees) in 2008 / 2009!!! LOL!!! I’ve even got a bit of a ‘soft spot’ for ‘the Greenspan’. ‘The Pelosi’ (and ‘the Dodd’) and I need to ‘square off’ one day though. She single-handedly talked the Senate Banking Commitee out of voting for THARP 2 (or the bailout of AIG i.e. I forget which now). Needless to say: I was long every known financial stock and index at the time ‘with the farm’. And then she changed her mind the next week!!! LOL!!!



Dale - you’ve either been watching too much Star Trek, or too much Flintsones, not sure which!

Well, I like helicopter Ben. He is the best. Although it’s just helicopters and not aircrafts. I can only fly aircraft, lol. But better helicopters than nothing. LOL!

For a human trader get rich quick is ridiculous. Some can do it, but most cannot. Steady gains, I always say “do you want to lose money or make money?”

One thing I will admit, get rich quick could be accomplished in a higher probability manner (speaking generalities) via a program than a human. That’s because it can take a lot of setups on smaller time frames over and over again without the emotion (or physical limitations of a 24H market) of a human.

This is a tricky topic, programming is also as difficult, if not more difficult, than human trading as well.


just try to fit it in that humor corner, lol. Trading is boring, so a little fun while looking at sentences like those bold statements around from ict (and some others) and to write what I honestly think about, isn’t that bad, right?

Then, I do not have an issue with him, but obvisously he and his fanatic followers with me. But that reaches back in its roots a couple of months ago. So, take it as it is. LOL! Everybodies darling is everybodies fool. And I am afraid to say that, but I am proud not to be icts darling. ROFLMAO! :smiley:

Then seriously: I do not say you can not make money with his tools. I just am rolling on the floor, laughing, if somebody tries to tell me it is possible, to make 1m or say “just” 100k out of 1k [U]consistently[/U] year after year. If you read my statements above, you should know why. And I guess you are smart guy, that you can see that for yourself, right?

Getting 100k out of 1k in 1y and consistently is a quick rich scheme. Sorry if I have that recognition. LOL!

Thanks for the pip wishes! :slight_smile: I don’t know what to do right now, so I am out until a drop. Waiting for some new info from my arrows or something else. Look in the eur monthly thread, there I tell what I think about. Oh no! This was advertising now, what? Okay, don’t look there! :stuck_out_tongue: LOL!

Well, seeing right now it went through. So, waiting for a reasonable entry.

Have a great evening, cubanpip. Well and at least let me tell you I am sorry that I don’t have the time and energy to explain everything so that you can understand it. That’s why I said sorry. :wink:


Are you taking 1K and turning it into 100K a year consistently?

One of the brighter statements in this thread. And I am not kidding. :wink:

Trading at all is easy. Far more easy than buying a bottle of milk. What is hard, is to find or create a good system. And to follow. But if you have that system, it’s just like pushing buttons if you have a red or green flag. Right?

Most ppl fail because they trust in:

a) scams, bad systems, etc.
b) don’t trust their reliable system

No matter if that system is traditional executed by hand or algos. But algo trading for sure gives more opportunities and you don’t have to watch for setups.

Well, another story then is money management. No, blown accounts are not good, either, LOL. :smiley:

edit: No, I do NOT make 100k [U]consistently[/U] out of 1k every year. That was a statement from ict, not from me. I just tell it is not possible in my world.

I have bots and I have backtests. I have a bot and let em run on the 15m. That made several millions in a year. But 15m in backtest and real is a difference. I made money from that, but not that much, lol. So, I am back with this bot now on H4. There it shows in backtest 100k in one year. Well almost 200k. And backtest and live is the same. But for sure not every year. Plus I have other bots as well. Just playing a bit with my cuddle pets, lol.

He’s ALIVE!!! He SPEAKS!!! LOL!!! Where the ‘f*ck’ have YOU been this whole week??? LOL!!! Leaving me here all on my own to ‘referee’ this lot!!! LOL!!!



Why thank you Buck. Just so you know, I’m not taking any sides here, just speaking from personal experience (which, as humans, is all we have or really operate off of)

Ah, I see, if he is claiming that amount then I would assume he is trading on a pyramid scale of some type assuming he isn’t high frequency scalping.

Bots are discretionary, back testing doesn’t imply futures results. I prefer robots on daily time frames or 4H at minimum, but I’m a newbie “coder” too. There are some very simple daily strategies that work, but drawdowns can be uncomfortable and so forth.

Why don’t you shoot me an e-mail sometime?

Yea, stay away from that mess here, lol. :smiley: If some parties (what was that word banter?), then better stay away. Or they both then throw it to you, lol.

Well, to the point: Sounds you know a bit more than the average sixpack. So, be assured I will.

H4 and up yes. Same what I can see here. No matter if by hand or algos. As I said. This bot made on 15m in backtest a lot. And a bit real. But the trades were too different. If I let it run at H4 backtest and real is the same down to one pipipette. A straight line from bottom left to upper right. Drawdown for one year is max. 15% like that. Very sure it may be more in one year. But if you can make 100k every 5 years out of 1k just for instance with say a doubled drawdown of max. 30% it’s not that bad, lol.

Now we are assuming too much, aren’t we?

Come on guys! Take a chill pill and let it go already, let’s get back on track.