See? LOL :smiley:

I have actually seen a well-organized business plan that is provided by the Forex successful traders. It is proven that 100k is possible.

So, a busines plan is something what can prove it? Interesting. I thought a business plan is something like a ā€œshouldā€ and not a ā€œhaveā€.

Itā€™s like in every business: You can create a plan to open a store/shop with an assumption of 100k profit by 1k expenses. If that happens later or not you have NO CONTROL over. You can just have control regarding your expenses. In this case 1k. If you plan works out is dependent from the customers who buy or stay away. One year they might cluster around your shop, one year they might stay away. Or they might stay away forever.

So, planning and reality are two pair of shoes.

Hey Buckscoder,

Donā€™t get me wrong here. Youā€™re entitled to your opinion as everyone else is, and I respect yours.
You made some valid points in the past, and I totally get your 1/4 million instead of 1 million observation.
However that was really clear from the very first post where you wrote it. No need to keep going on and on and on with remarks towards ICT, when you are clearly making fun of him. No one is making fun of you.

Youā€™ve made your point, now let him prove you, and/or himself right or wrong, thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying.

wrtm19, you are right. That ā€œseeā€ was just something what had nothing to do with ict. Anyways, I will stop now. All said already. Whoever trades must know what he does. Nice pips to you!:57:

See? Now I was the one making assumptions, lol. I failed to take my own advice before even give it.

Anyway nice pips to you too!

Definitely an assumption I made, no one is making it clear.


thank you very much! No problem. :slight_smile:

100K off of what? Can you CC the plan for us please


not just humor, but humor as well. Which is a gentle difference. :wink:

Regarding ā€œexperienced oneā€. Read what I wrote. I never said itā€™s not possible. You can also have lotto millionaires. Those guys exist! Even that 15 trillion us dollar debt exists, though 50 years ago somebody might have said that couldnā€™t be, lol.

Anyways, your opinion is yours! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot and have fun!

Very interesting topic buddy! will PM you soon.

Good morning, good morning, good morning.

Well Iā€™m pleased to see that things are calm and that everybody has ā€˜kissed and made upā€™!!! LOL!!! Well DONE gentlemen!!!

I need to ask someone (anyone) a favor though (and thereā€™s no point in my startng a new thread for this so I figured this one was as good as any to ask):

Does anybody here use Twitter and ā€˜Tweetsā€™??? If so: please ā€˜follow meā€™ (that sounds desperate I suppose)!!! LOL!!! I need to see if itā€™s working is all (I use a thing called ā€˜twhirlā€™). My Twiitter ā€˜nameā€™ or whatever itā€™s called is ā€˜dpaterso65ā€™. You can stop ā€˜following meā€™ afterward if you like i.e. I just want to test it out.



Good morning together!

Well, cp. Iā€™m afraid, but may I ask you to read a little better? I said I have 30+ years IT/business experience! Plus 10+ years investment experience. Anyways. Experience is something which doesnā€™t gives any warranty. You can do your stuff 20 years and be almost as bad in the 21 year as in the first. And you can have just 2 years experience and do way better. No one individual is equal to the other. Just accept it. So, donā€™t try to compare individuals. Thatā€™s a loser. :wink:

Better try to be yourself than to copy anybody else. In trading like in life.

And just one warning: If somebody seems too generous in his investment advice, it might be a scam. In 99% of the cases, it is. I do not say it is. Which is a difference. If you open your eyes, you can see what I can see. If somebody uses bold words while the same time contradictions pop up, the chance of a scam increases. Just saying this and I have no specific nick in mind.

Plus, if you let me add this: You are set to fall if you look for numbers and numbers only. Itā€™s the path what counts. Not the big target. We all have goals. My goal is a billion dollars in my lifetime. But I care more about the path to get that. The path walking to there must be something meaningful and senseful to me and not something where I have to struggle with blown accounts. Like if I fly, I like to look down and enjoy the nice landscapes and not to struggle with grounded planes, lol.

Have a nice (nfp) day!

I like thia post, OK, will be back, still reading, just had to snag this one up real quickā€¦

Okay, Nice thread!

Hi Dale,
I see you are still ā€œpushingā€ Deltastock, Oooohhhhhh, forgot you are deltastock. :slight_smile:
I donā€™t understand how people are so crazy about Twitter and Facebook. If you like to get hacked it is the way to go and keep on Tweeeetting. If I donā€™t see you posting anymore I know your computer died. :slight_smile:
On the other hand I am not much in BPips since I ā€œfoundā€ my way of successful trading. Not that I want to tease anybody, I posted my scalping trading strategy and I am still using it hours on end and it makes money for me.
No, I am not selling anything, I donā€™t have a business or a website. Just trading thatā€™s all I do.
Please donā€™t ask where I posted my strategy, I donā€™t know what I called it anymore, since it is a while back. It is here on BPips and it is NOT the ā€œHolly Grailā€. If you need to know, just search here in BPips.
I learned a lot about Forex thanks to BPips and itā€™s members. So it was just fair to give back and post what works for me without guarantee it will work for anybody else.
So far never found a longer TF trading strategy that works for me. :frowning:
BTW did you know the real ā€œbigā€ guys (Institutions) let computers trade/scalp stocks with algorithm NANO seconds to make $1~20 million at a time? I guess the faithful days are gone when people kept stocks for years from the same company and made nice dividends on them.
Dale, good luck and happy trading to all :slight_smile:

This is exactly why, My personal money managment strat runs cycles. NO ONE IS PERFECT, and somewhere down the line, you just might blow an account. Give you an non-trade example. I go to a certain mexican restraut, its the only place I will take my family to eat, usually everyother week. best food, perfect, price is great, nice atmosphere, employees are on the ball. When we get there, they know were we want to sit, they know what we drink, and always start the dinner with Beef Nachosā€¦ I tip well, and even tipped the cook 2-3 timesā€¦ It keeps them CONSISTANT, Mentally, they need a pat on the back from the people enjoying the food they create. Anyways, like I said, its ALWAYYYYS greatā€¦ BUT, whats happening, is the odds keep going up, that one day, Im not going to enjoy the food. We hit 15 straight dinners, being perfect to my likingsā€¦ Guess what, last night wasnt to great. But mentally, I was prepared for it, because I knew, one day, it wasnt going to be on point, because thats how life is. Wheather you take it as a wake up call, or a restart, or a refreshment period, thats on you.

Now, of course Im going to go back. 1 out of 16 isnt bad. But if I go again, and its still bad, then, guess what, I might not go back, if they CONSISTANCY serve me bad food. Might be a new chef, and everything changes from that point on. Now, I have to adapt, or go somewhere elseā€¦

Anyways, the moral of this story, is, somewhere along the line, as you power foreward, you have a great increased chance of " being let down", its human natureā€¦ Nothing in this world is 100%, NOTHINGā€¦ Your one " brain fart" from being in the negativeā€¦

OK, will be back, still reading this thread,



Hell: even I (ME) can do that NOW!!! Letā€™s just make sure weā€™re talking about $1 000 - $10 000 (as opposed to $1 000 - $100 000 or $1 000 - $1 000 000)???

Okay, Nice thread!

And dontā€™ be so sarcastic!!! LOL!!!

Itā€™s the path what counts. Not the big target. We all have goals. My goal is a billion dollars in my lifetime. But I care more about the path to get that.

Oh well: no two people can agree on EVERYTHING ALL of the time!!! LOL!!! I no longer give a ā€˜flying f*ckā€™ about how I get there (about the ā€˜pathā€™). I used to. I donā€™t anymore!!! And Iā€™ll ā€˜settleā€™ (no pun intended) for a lot less than that!!! LOL!!!

Anyway and for a laugh PLEASE take a look at this post (donā€™t worry: you can see it without having to be a member):

Technical Trading Systems at TechTraderCentral - CAC40 28/05/2011 00:00 D1 SIS

It refers to one of my previous posts on this very thread (the one with the pictures) and I just cannot help but ROFLMAO every time I see it (since yesterday)!!! LOL!!!



And I like that post! Itā€™s the same in the markets. If you can watch crowd behavior, itā€™s like watching ppl going to restaurants. Frequently at morning for breakfast, noon for lunch and evening for dinner. Not to say itā€™s equal all day. If you can watch something at the markets and tracks down that all to a statistics edge, voila.

No doubt Bucksā€¦

Im just a differant breed I guessā€¦ Im not going to sit here and tell ya, " I have it all together", and $1,000,000 is obtainable, because I havent been there YETā€¦

A few of you, Im sure, know me by my crackpot posts, but, thats meā€¦ You show me an acorn, I see a forest, not just a seedā€¦ I see what that acorn can produce. And in Forex, ( going on my 9th month from knowing ABSOLUTLY NOTHING) I see the upside. I had someone ask me, " is it worth sitting and watching that chart all day, 14 hours a day? Ummmm, Yeah, its is, If your goals are as big as mine, and a 9-5 job wont get me there.

I had a few ask me to show them how to do it. And, its just really hard to tell your buddy, " Look dude, your just not cut out for it", before he even sits downā€¦ If you dont have 5-6 hours a day, to tune out everything, and get busy learning and figuring it out, its going to be a long process, and in the end, your probably going to failā€¦ Now, failure isnt the same as quiting, at least quiting, means you got out before your account went dryā€¦

Can you make it in Forex? Tell ya what, If I had $10,000 to start with, Im 99.9% sure, I can turn that into a cool million in less then ummmmmmmmm, lets just say about trading 21 daysā€¦ Yeah, now, you can stop chucklin to yourself," is this guy freaking off his rocker"? Yeah, I amā€¦ Why? Its mathamaticlly possibleā€¦ Thats whats gives us the edgeā€¦ Consistancy, = MAD FREAKING MONEY, ALOOOOOOTTTT OF FREAKING COLD HARD CASHā€¦

Money makes the world go round, and runs a close #2 of importance, next to the air we breathe. If your broke, your ass outā€¦ Simple as thatā€¦ I dont have $10,000 to throw into the mix, I dont have $5,000, or $2,500, or even $1000, Heyyy, I dont even have $500 to just throw into thisā€¦ Everysingle penny in my household is accounted for, and has to be used to stay afloat in this " cost of living clobber fest" that we are presented with at this current time frame, :wink: Im sick and tired of being sick and tiredā€¦ I have started many businessesā€¦ Well, I call them businessesā€¦ From Air purification, to vacs, to vits, to 900 numbers, realestate, work at home building crafts light light switch covers, to folding 1 inch paper to create a dang menu for a company, ooooo, My poker table biz, which by the way, wasnt great, but I now have a very very nice round Oat, seemless padded railā€¦ In the end, they were just to nice to sell for low prices, I worked my but off, and gave 110%, and it showedā€¦ I wanted paid for my workā€¦

Im not braggin by no means, but simply just saying, this Forex opp is out of this world. I really wish I found this years agoā€¦ Or, want me to be honest,? I strongly believe in Timingā€¦ we live by the very second, and things happen, at certains times, for various reasonsā€¦ I know why I didnt find this earlierā€¦ I wasnt readyā€¦ Ready for the Money, ready for the time needed to invest into itā€¦ I needed to be strictly FOCUSED On Forexā€¦

For the last 9 months, Im on it like stink of crapā€¦ My wife knows what Im doing. She is pushing me, she is behind meā€¦ My boys know what I do, I let them sit and watch, and maybe learn somethingā€¦ I INVEST LARGE AMOUNTS OF TIMEā€¦ I have to cram 10-15 years worth of knowledge and experiance into a small time frame. Why? Im running out of TIMEā€¦ I fel im 10 years behind, and havent accomplished what I wanted to have done by nowā€¦ And, Im sure its like that for many folksā€¦ But for alot, all it takes is a lead down the right path, to turn everything around in an INSTANT, right NOWā€¦ And for me and my family, that Path is the Forexā€¦ If you can do, I can do it, and guess what, By my track record, I will do it better then you. Again, not patting myself on my back, but thats just meā€¦

Now, where am I going with all this hoopla? Start with $50, and show what you got. BeCause thats what I have to invest, and that was true saving here and there. I had an account, I started with $10, and turned it into $250 and needed it for a dang bill payment. See, I have spent a great deal of cash on biz crap, and my leash is very very short, lolā€¦ But, If I feel it will make millions, then I should be able to come up off a SMALL ACORN.

Its is possible, and Hey, you never know, In 2 years, you might see a movie out called, " 50 To A Million ", :slight_smile:

Im in the process of making a Video Diary of all this Insane Financial Transformation, And, I have to tell ya, I couldnt do it without you guys, seriously, I learned a ton from these forumsā€¦

Great Profits to Allll