Do any of you have recommendations on reputable forex signals I can find in the US (so signals that don’t hedge their bets, and can work with Oanda/MT4) for $50 to $100/month, that get 800 pips or more per month?
I’ve been looking around but I’ve failed to find any who I can verify their profits with or any who have a longstanding history of trading.
The problem with this is, its a catch22 - someone who is an out and out trader, a full-time professional, isn’t going to dabble in giving out signals.
And someone who dabbles in giving out signals all day, isn’t a full-time professional.
For that price point, you want signals that will bag you 800+ pips a month - you’ve already answered your own question, you had a look around and couldn’t find any.
Hello there, I still find FFPFX for forex signals wide better for their very cheap prices compared to what others do and also they are a real professional team
Hey guys,
Since you are on the subject of signals. I wanted to ask if anyone has heard of “Fxlifestyle” from London? He apparently has signals for like $150 or $180 per year?
I sometimes use the signals service I belong too. The signals has to fit my strategy I have . I been with them 1 and half years. They are Easy Pips. They are about $180 a Year but run specials. Excellent customer service , TP1 usually hits within 24 hours or less. TP2 usually within 24 to 48 hours. TP3 hits anywhere from 3 to 5 days, two weeks up to Month.
Not very often do they have bad days. Signals come London time mostly I live on Eastern Time Zone USA most signals come between 4;30 am to 6;30am.
Hello, its much better to find genuine real traders in a social trading platform from a top boker instead of searching for signals. 800 pips per month is not an easy task to achieve. So, dont search for such huge amount of pips to bank in every month.only 5% of traders are making money, so, before copying signals, just verify their performance in social trading platforms.Hope this will be helpful for you.