Any good traders want to trade my account?

Any good traders want to trade my account?
There seem to be alot of them, but very few that you can make reliable web contact with.
I am just curious whether I could be doing alot better paying a competant trader to do the work.

That is one option you may choose.

Another option you may choose only requires six months of your time and costs you nothing in performance and management fees. The start of the six months begins now. Go to the Babypips school and start to learn the basics. Open up a demo account and practice what you have learned. Keep doing this for six months. As the time goes by, soak up as much information and practice that you can. Keep trying and keep demo trading. At the end of the six months give yourself an evaluation. Are you ready to trade yourself or have someone else do it for you. You may be surprised.

Why trust your money with someone else? Who has your best interest in mind - you or this random person you found on the internet?

Make the commitment to learn how to trade. Its a life skill. If you don’t want to don’t worry about it, just go by a mutual fund like the rest of the world and lose all your money!

Financial advisors at the local strip mall investment shop are trained to say “mutual funds are low risk”.

Translation: You will lose all of your money over a very long extended period of time.

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