Any mentors available

hello is there anyone out there that is willing to give mentorship one on one please and thank you.

Hi, start from the education section, after finish open demo account and practice, all it is free ( education section and demo account ). Regards Greg

Why do you really want to go for mentors, when everything can be learned for free now. There is so much learning material that is accessible.

Save yourself the money and just go through the course and practice on demo.

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To get a good mentorship, we also need the knowledge of how to find a good mentor. In online many claim to be a mentor. That doesn’t make them a good mentor. Learn the basic by yourself.


Please define in a little more detail what you believe a mentor can offer you that you cannot otherwise learn on a forum such as this with an excellent free School of Pipsology education package. I have learned, over 15 years that many people just ask for a mentor without first analyzing what they understand is the benefit of a mentor.

And given that anyone worthy of thinking they are a mentor needs to justify to himself what he would be getting in return for using his valuable time to mentor somebody he has only just met on a forum. Do you agree that is a logical comment?

I often refer to what John F Kennedy asked of the Americans in his famous speech:
“Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country” I heard that when I was eight years old, and it has had a big impact on my long life. One of the best things I did relating to Forex was to ask a 20 year old to mentor me because I knew he had what I wanted. I paid him part time to rationalise my property portfolio, and I taught him project management 101 whilst he taught me Forex trading 101. That was 10 years ago, and I think we both gained a great deal out of it.
So what can you offer that future mentor in terms of benefit?


You should check out the Demo accounts. Go through the course and practice on the demo.