Any neutral data feed source to check broker prices?

Hi Guys,

I have been dabbling a bit in trading since a couple of months.

Has anyone found a neutral data feed against which broker prices can be checked.

Regards -Evad

FXstreet, Investing com, myfxbook, tradingview would be a good place to start.

Thanks for your suggestions.

I see that they all provide charts and data to eyeball on a web page.
I was looking for a data feed which I could receive for local processing.
‘fxstreet’ and ‘investing’ do not seem to have an api for remote access.
myfxbook does have an api and I will look into that.

I found rtfxd (com) on a wikipedia list of financial feeds.
Anyone else tried it?

Try TickStory, buy the way, what you wanted wasn’t actually what you asked for.