Any one use EA here?

Hello everyone, I wonder if any have some good EA to share, I have my own and will share it once I perfect it

back test result here, I will share this with everyone here tomorrow, I need to tweak it more.

To babypips forum admin : In return, I request to have my blog link posted here
. Hope you won’t mind :smiley:

You can always put your link in your signature… If your site is safe and not a fraud, I guess they will not mind.

I see there is no signature option in babypips… anyway here is a few explain :

  1. Check with your broker what is the minimum lot size. 0.01 or 0.1 or 1
  2. Check with your server time when is the best time to trade. if you like trade day and night just change start hr to 0 and startmin to 0 and stophr 23 and stop minute to 59
  3. Manual trading false means this ea autotrading when there is a good signal.
  4. OpenBuytrade and openSelltrade can be use only if you change manual trading to true.
  5. trailing stop false or true no problem
  6. Fridaytrade false means will no open trade on Friday
  7. Lotautoincrement means if you have 10.000 this ea will start from 10.000 / 10000 = 0.1 . if you have 1000 means trade start from 0.01
  8. sometime when you find good signal you can trade manual. If like to buy just change manualtrading to true and change openbuytrade to true than just wait couple of second.
  9. when the trade running just switch back manualtrading and openbuytrade to false.
  10. if you like to trade on Friday just turn Fridaytrade to true.
  11. if like trade manual on Friday you must turn fridaytrade (true) first. Than just do step 8.
  12. your must change time to the best setting for good result backtest.
  13. trade on 07.00 GMT to 16 GMT test your self. (18.5 KB)

Here are the results for the EA my friend and I are trying to create. Although I don’t think the backtesting in MT4 is particularly accurate…

Sorry I can’t get it to show up any larger :frowning:

That is a year’s worth of results on the EURvUSD, 4H charts, from May 2007 to May 2008

So far we can only get it to make good money in a long-term uptrend. In currencies that are headed downwards long-term, it tends to bomb. We need a way to program something in the fix that. Suggestions?

it depend on the active trading time setting so the result is different of course

Yes this version 3 small additional option multiplier 3 mean second order times 3 from first order.

Just change your lot and time trading. No need change other setting.

This version will calculate any good position to trade not like before open anytrade in anycondition

I send you 2 version one with range 30 pips and the other one with 9 pips range. Use this 9 pips range only if market trending not for ranging market. Usually trending market start from London session till USA . usually I use till 2 hours after usa session the I stop the ea manually. (307 KB)

Ok mods, I need at least 50 posts in order to have signature
Could you change the title of this thread to “ATM EA - backtest OK !”