Any strategy or system to trade in forex market to make some money?

take it from a 8 year full time trading pro. systems dont work and strategies end up loosing because market conditions are different everyday. no two days are exactly alike. what you need to do is create your own signal trigger that tells you when to get into the market.

You don’t say.

8 yrs in the seat & that’s your opening gambit?
By the way, losing is spelt with one o not two :wink:

So what does work?

Isn’t the definition of a system a “signal trigger that tells you when to get into the market?”

So you’re telling us systems don’t work so we should create our own system? :confused:

What I think hes saying is that everyone needs their own system/trigger.
You could take a system from somewhere but in the end you have to customize it for yourself.

Hello random internet person.

I thank you humbly for the extremely detailed and intricate information you have given me. I also thank you for making your post title nearly as long as your post. Without your excellent information, I would have not looked for market signals to enter a trade. Instead, I would have depended on the patterns the ants form while marching to and fro around my house.

And then I would have gotten angry because I would have lost and probably would have taken my anger out on the ants.

So from myself and and probably the ants, thank you again for your deep insight.

oh please … entry has to be the least important component in your trading plan.

Trade your way to fiancial freedom has it down to 10% and most traders will spend 90% of their time on the least important aspect.

If you have am incomplete plan what good is an entry trigger, unique to you or not - and to be honest why does everybody have to have a unique one? test one and settle for it.


Lovely first post. Welcome to the site. Care to elaborate a bit on your rather pessimistic view of the forex world?

To go along with the rest of us unlearned fools, doesn’t a system or strategy involve entry criteria?

And no two days are exactly alike?

I find just the opposite. This thing does the same things over, and over, and over again. If you are observant and dedicated, the risks can be diminished, and the payoffs can be magnificent.

Apache, good to see you saddled up and scouting around here again;)

guys this is spam bs he added a link after the post was up so he could try to get by moderation it is for cigarettes or some crap anyway i repoprted it to admin.