Anybody using Instaforex?

Hello everybody!
I’ve heard a lot of positive reviews on Instaforex. However, I’m not sure I can rely the internet ads. What do you think of this broker? If anybody uses it, please share your experience. I’d be really grateful :45:

I did and I wasn’t satisfied. They use an average currency rate when you withdraw your money. My currency became cheaper and I lost some money when withdraw my profit.

have been using them for several years. no problems.

can the instaforex bonus be lost in trading?

Oh, bad to hear… Thank you for the insight, I’ll keep that in mind.

I did and I wasn’t satisfied. They use an average currency rate when you withdraw your money. My currency became cheaper and I lost some money when withdraw my profit.

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

have been using them for several years. no problems.

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

Okay, positive here :slight_smile: Thank you!

That’s a good question…

all you have to do is go to google and type “instaforex scam”

let me tell you about InstaForex nowadays based of experience of my friends
1.they are suitable for small amount deposit.
2.they are market maker, so if you are profitable … you know ,sometimes they pending clients withdrawal for reason like anti fraud departement
3.they are allow news trading, but they are limit your news trading profit , max 10%
4.if you open bigger lot, or you are profitable, you will experience requotes and delay

that is some of my review about instaforex, even in my country we still have a lot of instaforex traders because some of them attracted by instaforex rebates that bigger than other company.

and i stop trading with instaforex after findout their strange policies are not trader friendly. and move my money to better retail broker : Tickmill and Primus, which have better spreads and not limited my trading style

Many signals for delayed withdrawals, problems with accounts lately. But they do advertise a lot.

Well, I don’t know. You can find these messages about any broker. Some of them are left by the competitors. I’m not trying to defend Instaforex - I have my own doubts about it. I just don’t want to fully rely on this kind of feedback. Besides, it’s always better to get a real conversation on a forum rather than google :slight_smile:

Hmm, okay, thank you for your insights!

What’s so good about it?

I’m not going to play big, at least for now, so it seems okay…
But what’s about Tickmill and Primus? What benefits do they offer?

MikaR, if you google this you will find mostly real feedback, I guess, with screenshots and etc. Otherwise, this thread is a guarantee of a real feedback?

What strange policies do they have? particular experience would be rather useful

I was using Instaforex is past, but been a scalper it was not really suitable for me given their 3 pips spread while had restriction on 5 minutes closing which never really made me comfortable… Otherwise not exactly bad broker but not one for scalpers.

Screens - yes, I agree. But there are plenty of those who just complain, and that’s all. Without any proofs. And when I was googling, I found a lot of brokers with the same happenning around them. I mean, I’m sure, there are real people among those who are not happy, but some (or many) of them just don’t look credible at all.

Yeah, I agree. Examples, please :slight_smile:

That’s disappointing to hear… Okay, thank you for sharing!