Anyone familiar with Tresorfx Masterclass XL?

Hellooo! :blush: A friend of mine has been wanting to venture into forex :sweat_smile: She has already finished the course here and she somehow found this recommendation for another forex course called Tresorfx Masterclass XL. :sweat_smile: It sounds pretty sketchy to me cause I think you have to pay for it. :open_mouth: But have you guys heard of this course before? :thinking:

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This guy also said you can turn $1,000 into $1M in six months. So, I guess if have faith in someone like that, sure…go ahead.


I haven’t heard of this class but the website looks very sketchy. :grimacing:


The Yahoo article kinda confused me a bit into thinking that they’re probably legit. :sweat_smile: But the exaggerated claims of profits is always a red flag. :confused: I guess rather than this class, I’d encourage her to go with Youtube videos instead.

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Yeah. :sweat: I tried visiting their website and it’s very poorly made. :sweat: BUT I thought maybe it was just because they’re new and starting out lol

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Same here broker. I also haven’t heard of it but have the interest to know what it is and how it works.

I feel like that too. I would prefer a site I’ve heard of. But, with that thinking, how can I ever learn about any new sites?

You’re right! It’s ok to be new, I would just have to do some research and ask questions.

Right? In that case, that’s ok, isn’t it? What if they’re trustworthy, but are new and still building their business?

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That’s a good one. But also if you’ve had bad encounters with strangers, that definitely affects your view of them. Same with sketchy websites. If you’ve read bad reviews about them, that’s kind of like meeting a stranger as everyone holds up a sign behind him saying “AVOID!” :joy: Def could be a good idea to still check it out if you’re not too risk-averse.


Hello Ria.

$1000 into $1m? We’d all be millionaires!

I’m not a fan of these kind of claims.


Quite so - and if true - then why is this also the impression of the website ?

Surely they could devote a few of those Millions to PAYING someone to create a proper web site ? :rofl:

Yeah. :confused: She wanted to do the same, but I kinda discouraged her from taking the course altogether. :sweat_smile: So, I guess we’ll never find out if it was actually a legit course or not. :open_mouth:

BUT then again… :thinking: There are only a few people who have the luxury to trust their hard-earned money to a new company. :sob:

Also, definitely agree with your badge. :smiley: Haha. Conversationalist suits you. :clap:

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It’s been almost a month :sweat_smile: But hellooooo! :blush: