Anyone Heard of Stocks2u?

Hi All

I am new to all this trading. Obviously there are a lot of different sources where the most of them are rubbish. Any wrong analysis can cause you big money. Hence I would like to make sure I am following the correct sources.

Experienced traders please help;

Have you ever heard of the below website? They seem to be legit and spot on with most of the analysis (recently they said short apple, I was laughing at it. Apple is down 4%)…Yet I have never heard of them. Any advice would be appreciated;

Stocks2U | Stocks For All

Has any of you heard of them before or used their analysis as a guide?



I just looked up their website and got this message

[I]This site has been reported as phishing website. Exchanging sensitive or confidential information with this site could put you at risk of identity theft and/or financial fraud. We strongly discourage visiting this page.[/I]

Hi Eddie

That is strange. I am on the website now, never received a warning. Google says its safe too. Also its a blog, you don’t even share an info there…

I am confused now…

any info? They wrote an article on Oil yesterday. They were precise again!!!

Interesting blog it is…