App for mobile phone

Talk of mobile app in 2018, is this going to happen?


What kind of a question is this from someone who has been absent for 5 years? :crazy_face:

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Hmmm. :open_mouth: I got a bit confused. :sweat_smile: Are you referring to a Babypips mobile app? Or are you asking something else about mobile apps? :thinking:

The mobile phone is a very powerful tool. But it’s also a lot to carry and manage when you’re out and about. This is why there’s a need for an app to simplify the process of making calls, managing text messages and even getting your work done while on the go.

Yeah, I’m looking forward to a Babypips mobile app as well. I hope it’ll be made soon.

Hi @Norkuri,

Thanks for your interest!

We’ve stopped offering mobile apps for Android and iOS devices for our website and Forums. But, no worries! We’ve ensured that the whole website is mobile-friendly.

If you’re having issues with the website in general, please let us know and we’ll look into those issues for you.




Says the aspiring retail trader. Oh the irony!!