Applying Smooth Moving Averages

Regarding Black Knights post today concerning “Tunnel of 5’s” can anyone assist me with how to apply the Moving Averages to the high’s and low’s on the FX soltions GTS platform FX Accucharts?


The smooth moving averages in FX AccuCharts don’t seem to allow you to apply them to anything but the close, and the shifts that the Black Knight speaks of don’t seem to generate the right areas either.

One way to generate a fives tunnel in FX AccuCharts is to do a 5 EMA on the High [Moving Average - Exponential OHLC (period = 5; shift = 0; FidType = 2)] and a 5 EMA on the Low [Moving Average - Exponential OHLC (period = 5; shift = 0; FidType = 3].

I like my results with it. As always, your mileage may vary. :slight_smile: