Hi, I couldn’t seem to find this anywhere else, so I thought I’d ask here.
Are the majors/minors/exotic categories pretty much worldwide? Or do we only consider them as such in the US, Eurozone and other developed countries?
For instance, do traders in Thailand consider the dollar baht an exotic trade, or is that their bread and butter, since they know the local market so well? Is their account even denominated in baht, or does the broker automatically convert their deposits to EUR or USD or another base currency of their choice?
Thanks, I get that it’s illiquid and infrequently traded, but is that how Thai traders see it? Do South African traders see USDZAR as an exotic trade? Is their account even denominated in ZAR? Or does the broker automatically convert their funds to USD for trading?
Hm, interesting question. Since the US nomenclature seems to be spread worldwide, I have no reason to think there would be regional changes. Have you experienced something like this? Why would the referencing matter? (If you buy or get into something, you can always look at the fine print to figure out which pair they mean.)