Are retail traders fooled?


Y’all are seeing MNS saying he risks 60-70% margin, not 60-70% of his account…If he’s scalping and has a stop loss of 5 pips while risking 2% of his account, that’s 80% of his margin on one trade (assuming he has 50:1 leverage). It’s more risky I suppose because of “noise” but his risk/trade is about where y’all is.

$100 * .02 = $2
2 / 5 = .4 per pip
.4 * 10,000 = 4000 units to buy (or .04 lots)
100 * 50 = 5000 units that he can use through his leverage

4000/5000 = 80% of his margin.

(First post)

1.0*10^-7 is

all you have to do is move the decimal point left or right depending on the sign of the exponent. My calculus was 25 years ago but all you really need to know is your left from your right and how to count to ten. Thats the cool thing about base ten math. Now try to do it in binary, hexadecimal and octal, oh yeah… and Mayan glyphs… no nevermind, those only go up to 2012 then the world ends.

Not exactly rocket surgery but now watch me be off by a decimal place and get it wrong by a factor of ten… :stuck_out_tongue:

[B]brilliant[/B] [ˈbrɪljənt]

[B]1. [/B]Make 40% on a $100 account, then 1 trade and it goes bust? Then open another one?

Brilliantly is an adverb however :wink:

I gave the definition for “brilliant”.

I know you did… Quite cleverly (adverb) I may add.

The dude asked how it was going, I presented a answer as the process is still in motion, So, Brilliantly.

Lol funny exchange…I don’t think we should knock on traders too much for their eccentric tendencies… So long as they aren’t proclaiming it such a way to mislead the newbies

anyway I work out that if 80% of margin is used on a 50:1 acc then $4 is profit of the said $100 account. What if you trade a $100,000 account, still 80% of margin on 1 trade?
and if not why not?

Basically what I’m wanting to know is if:

Someones risk exposure should increase because they have a very small account to start. eg. 4% of 100k account = ok trade, 4% of $100 account, waste of time? ie the same work for 4 bucks.

What about the guys with $50 micro accounts. Is there any viability in “testing” a new broker/platform with $50?