Are retail traders fooled?

As in 60%?

no, as in 0.60%

Wait what…? How’s your math skills?

Edit: Let me know what your actual RoD(15%) once you have a large enough trade sample, assuming you don’t bust this account before then

Im also looking to getting 2 LCD TV’s, and make them into the wall, and look like a window, with a loop of whatever I feel like being that day… Like the Ocean, or a view from a tall building… Or the rain forest, that would be cool

I was studin calculus in the 5th grade

… And you’re paying for this with your trading profits? LMAO

1.0 * 10^-7 = …? In decimal form please.

What is your risk per trade If you don’t mind me asking, clark. I remember a long time ago you said something about being okay with risking up to 4% depending on the set up. I might have just dreamed that up though…

LOL, Noooo, you dont spend your leverage. Bro, Im not poor, lol,…

Comon man, that was 27 years ago, what Im saying is, im advanced with numbers,

93.0 lllllllolllll


I still do. :slight_smile: But not every trade.

Typically, 0.1-0.25% per trade.

Hey Clark, great profits to you Bud,

You too, but I’m still waiting for you to admit that you need to set realistic goals. Lol

for $200, 5%/day will give you over 1 millions first year. For second year, you’ll have about 5.5 billions! mision imposible unless you’re Tom Cruise!

Fan of Knuth are we?

Trixie hobbitses;)

If you mean Shay Knuth in her prime then yes! :smiley:

1.0 * 10^-7 - Wolfram|Alpha

I cheated.

Is that a good idea? hows it worked out for you?