Are Robots Slowly Replacing Human Workers

Regardless of who started it, Japan perfected the automatic restaurant business.

Also Japan’s vending machines are among the best in the world

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Import from another thread - but equally as relevant here !

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The last job on Earth: imagining a fully automated world

Machines could take 50% of our jobs in the next 30 years, according to scientists. While we can’t predict the future, we can imagine a world without work – one where those who own the tech get rich from it and everyone else ekes out a living, propped up by an increasingly fragile state. Meet Alice, holder of the last recognisable job on Earth, trying to make sense of her role in an automated world.

Technology is advancing so fast that humans are becoming less important

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It’s true. Many things that used to be done by humans are not being done by machines for ages…

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Technology indeed advances rapidly, but humans remain crucial in its development and application. Rather than diminishing human importance, technology often enhances our capabilities and frees us from mundane tasks. People need to focus on science, creativity, and innovation, as these are areas where human ingenuity shines brightest. We should seek endeavors that engage individuals’ curiosity and creativity, driving progress and enriching our lives.

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Interesting video about AI and robots

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This is not a good look.

AI robot appears to grope female reporter during live interview in Saudi Arabia: ‘Coded to be a creep!’

A “fully autonomous” AI robot has raised eyebrows after appearing to grope a reporter during an interview at a technology festival in Saudi Arabia.

Journalist Rawya Kassem was speaking in front of the robot, named Mohammad, when the machine seemed to move to touch her behind, a video circulating on social media shows.

Kassem, visibly startled, quickly moved away from the robot, but not before holding up her hand and motioning it to stop. She then continued on with her presentation at DeepFest, an AI event taking place in Riyadh.

Robotics firm QSS, who developed Mohammad, told Metro UK the robot is “fully autonomous” and operates “independently without direct human control.”

“We have already conducted a thorough review of the footage and the circumstances surrounding the incident and there was no deviations from the expected behavior of Mohammad, however, we will take additional measures to prevent anyone getting close to the Robot within its areas of movement,” QSS said, according to Metro UK.

AI robot appears to grope female reporter during live interview in Saudi Arabia: ‘Coded to be a creep!’

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Very interesting.

The AI Revolution: Will Robots Take Your Job?

How many jobs will it replace in the next decade?

China has Revealed its World’s First Army of Robot Dogs

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Here’s Comes the US Army’s New Super Robo-Dog With Sniper Rifle

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How Robots Harvest Millions of Acres of Farmland Every Day

He Farms 35 Hours a Week By Himself and Makes 6 Figures


You can now buy a 4-foot-tall humanoid robot for $16K


Lethal Shooter VS. ULTIMATE Basketball Shooting ROBOT


Are we ready for this and can the buyers program these robots to do what they want.

Unitree Introducing | Unitree G1 Humanoid Agent | AI Avatar | Price from $16K

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If you look at some of those rows, they’re mounds of soil ABOVE the ground. I believe it’s called no-till farming. Instead of digging into the ground and killing whatever lives there, they pour soil above the ground then plant into that mound.

I could be wrong.

Regardless, I’m impressed he’s doing it solo. As I watch it, I’m increasingly impressed. I’d like to hear his story of how he started this.

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:rofl: :rofl: You and I know that’s the first thing that came to man mind

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I’m not a farming guy, so I’m unfamiliar with this style of farming / gardening.


Mounding is a common gardening technique used to create visual interest and add height to a garden bed. By mounding soil or mulch around plants, you can create a raised area that can highlight certain plants or serve as a backdrop for others. Mounding can also be used to create a low-maintenance garden, as the raised bed can help prevent weeds and erosion.

Mound gardening entails digging out a mound and planting a garden. It’s ideal for root crops that don’t require a lot of space beneath the foliage. This can be done to maximize space while also ensuring that crops do not drown in high-water regions. It is true that plants enjoy water, which aids in their growth and provides excellent fruit.

Even if the name sounds inelegant, it is descriptive in that it is intended. Mandevilla varieties with mounding leaves are distinguished by their relatively small, dark mounds of color rather than their blooming and reaching for the sky. These plants can be grown anywhere there is a sidewalk or walkway, in the front of a border, or in container gardens, hanging baskets, and window boxes.

Supertunia petunias grow in a vigorous manner with a mounded habit that makes them fillers and spillers in containers. They can be grown in a variety of ways, but the best way to do so is to plant them near beds that are visually appealing. They have large, medium-sized flowers.

What Is Mounding Perennial Mean?

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