Do you use AI chatbots (ChatGPT, Bard, etc.)?

Ah haven’t tried this one! Will have to play around with it. Thanks!

Yup, this is exactly how I use it!

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A4 page, Font size 12, times new roman, around 100 pages, I have bit more editing to do. It may be around 120-130 in total. :innocent:

I’ve been trying to figure out how to become a millionaire using chatGPT. Not going well. But I’m learning a lot!


I used grammarly to check for plaiarism and made sure I added all in-text citations, Also sometimes I paraphrased what it gave me. No problem occured :relieved:

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I have been working with a leading ai development services company for a while and think AI can help simplify many things in life. Altogether, artificial intelligence can transform the information exchange and content generation for good. The following points can be taken as the positives.

  1. Increases the level of precision and correctness

  2. Improves the grammar accuracy and sentence structuring

  3. Helps in improving customer services

  4. Enhances personalization

  5. Increases the linguistic efficiency

I find it interesting that by and large our lady members are in favour of taking up a resource designed to make their own input to society redundant - most of the degree subjects women undertake revolve around the use of words to manipulate opinions - which they admit in this thread that this AI can do better than they can - including cheating in an assignment by having the bot write a whole thesis !

We know that traditionally 'Tech is the province of somewhat autistic and rather dishevelled men with pop-bottle glasses and a lack of wordsmithing ability. - Perhaps this is the start of the “revenge of the nerds” ?

We know that AI can outperform in other largely female occupations ; teaching, medicine and law to state but a few - but all of these are currently being occupied by militant and demanding practitioners who are forever “going on strike” - Time then ladies to rethink your enthuisiastic adoption of these new programmes ? - Link is green writing


Perhaps then we shall see another interesting shift in societal demands for yet more discrimination against men to “resolve this issue” :wink:


I’m curious, what would you rather have us, “lady members” do instead?

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It’s not incumbent on me to tell you what to do. If you can’t understand the nuances of my post or choose to ignore them - so be it.

If you’re not capable of writing posts longer than one or two lines - perhaps you Do need the help of a system of word linkage based on probability of previous sentences rather than logic or critical thinking emanating from your own brain.

As an aside I’d be prepared to wager say £75 that you did not even open the link I provided.

And in conclusion - which of the words you put in parenthesis ‘lady members’ did you particularly object to ? :slightly_smiling_face:

Dude I’m just out here wondering why you feel compelled to turn every topic into one that’s about gender. And the way you write your posts… wow definitely makes me want to agree with you. And so yes, sorry to say, I will choose to ignore them.

We’ve had this argument before and I won’t have it again, our personalities just do not match. You’re so abrasive and your energy so toxic. I know you enjoy engaging in these types of discussions but I’m begging you to please stop replying to my topics.

To be honest, I use it quite often now, especially when I can’t answer the kids’ constant “Why” or “How does this work” questions. It has partially replaced Wikipedia and Google for me because it can provide a concise answer to the point. I occasionally use it at work, but not very frequently

Oh, and one more thing. We traveled to Prague, and I planned the route with the help of ChatGPT. I also asked it about the city’s history, and then I requested it to write a short story for children about this city (the main characters in this story were my kids :slight_smile: It turned out quite well; they were genuinely interested in exploring the city, and this time, they were the ones leading us through the city, not the other way around). Next time, I want to create a map or some illustrations

If you type OP’s avatar name into DDgo search this thread appears at the end of p[age 1 and virtually the whole of page 2 is devoted to her threads on this forum.

The early parts of Page 1 are of course devoted to cute & childish cartoon figures - as one might expect.

Dude why. Why are you still on me?? This isn’t even on topic anymore! Don’t you have other more important things to do in your day? Geez.

Aww this is actually heartwarming!

I did try it once to create a short story with food characters and the stories it came up with were so cute!

For illustrations, were you going to use ChatGPT still or maybe something like Midjourney?

I don’t know much about this stuff and was thinking about going with something well-known like Dalle or Midjourney.

And what did you use? Can you share what you ended up with and what your idea was?

Just ChatGPT! The prompt was something like: create a story about a little dumpling or something. It was adorable. It came up with a story of how there was once a dumpling who lived in a kitchen and wanted to explore the outdoors or something lol. Could be a Pixar short! :joy:

Have you ever considered turning this story into a comic?
I’ve read several articles about people creating children’s books and selling them on Amazon.I thought about suggesting to my son that he should try writing a book, perhaps about school. We’ll likely give it a try during the holidays if he’s interested.

I briefly looked into that but upon further research, it looks like it’s actually hard to make money off them. I’ve also seen some do coloring pages created by different AI platforms (can’t remember which ones) but there’s a ton of them out there that unless you have a distinct brand, it’s going to be hard to stand out.

You can give it a shot: create your own hero and craft some short stories with this character. If you’ve got the desire and the time, you might just make it work. The key is to really enjoy the process.