Are there any Irish traders out there?

Hi I would like to get some info about fx trading and brokers in Ireland if anyone could help me that would be great. I have never opened a live account before and I’m concerned about Irish trading laws, taxes ect. Thank you for reading.


Dia dhuit!! I’m an Irish newbie myself so I don’t have a huge amount of answers for you but I did want to welcome you aboard and to let you know that there are many knowledgeable people here who will oblige with your request.

I would think that much like many of our laws much of the laws pertaining to trading are very closely related to the UK laws. My own plan is to open my live account with a UK based broker depending on the quality of service they offer of course. At the moment my demo is with fxcm which suits me well right now.

I wish you success with whatever you do and remember to take most peoples’ advice only after you consider and reason it for yourself. As everyone here says the most important factor is you.

Best of luck,


Thanks for the reply Padraic. I have spend a few hours checking out brokers it looks like fxcm will be the one. I only found out about an hour ago that the have an office in Cork. I found it when I clicked on sharewatch. There is so much info online regarding fx trading its unreal, its only a matter of filtering through the bull. I found this site extremely helpful. I have my trading plan and now I have picked a broker but I don’t intend opening an account until the new year. If I have the discipline to make this work remains to be seen. Cead mile pips to ya big man and thanks again.

howiya lads, i’m from Dublin

there is a few irish based FX platforms,

Capitalspreads (formely PaddyPower)
CMC Markets
Baxter FX
Market Spreads

and a few others i cant really think of off the top of my head,
Hows the demo trading going?

You can easily Open a Demo account or a Live account with United World capital (UWCFX)

They are having good customer support and strong Regulation.