Are you REALLY committed to trading?

Well I woke up today in wind up mode, and it looks like I succeeded, can’t beat a bit of forum bantering.

Your account deserves to be doubled just because of this post lol :slight_smile:

You certainly woke up this morning with a need to expel a fair amount of excess gas & as usual, you succeeded to drop in onto Babypips!

:wink: Enjoy the Bubbles and Miss Bubbles…:slight_smile:

Ha ha. I missed the burnt tongue out.


Trust me mate, I’d much rather hear about Caley Thistle.

And as for “bloviating”, what d’ya think ST, right up there with Bingo Bango Bongo???

Absolutely! Which makes me think, I wish Buckscoder would come back.

I can see that not a lot changed in those years.

Oh My God !!

The very first mention of High Class Hookers and someone feels the need to make this claim already…

Quick, someone start an ICT thread about optimal entries, the power of 3 and the judas swingers !!

I think I just suffered serious internal injuries laughing at that.:32:

Ha ha. Claim away HoG.

One obvious thing though…you seem to know a lot of the material out there.

As I mentioned earlier, the point I was trying to make was, why can’t people try a system and decide if they like it or not for themselves.

If they do run it with it… If not leave it …

I’m not here to force people to follow any particular method its not my style.

I’d just rather people didn’t preach but equally that they didn’t bash either.

That way it stays equally fair and unbiased and lets the newbie trader decide which path(s) to follow.

Also as mentioned my account size is of nobody’s concern but mine, again a you missed the point. At the minute it is profitable, so I’ll carry on with it.

Will it be profitable at this time in 2013? I don’t know. Will I follow another path then? I don’t know??

See if you actually took the time to read my post the underlying message is a trader needs to decide for them self the path they walk and if it is yielding a end destination or if it was an old road leading back to the start or even worse nowhere.

Hope that clarifies it for you and your claims.

C’mon, you googled that surely LOL!! I would never stoop so low.

Personally though, I think it was the mention of the beautifully bathykolpian hookers, (colposinquanonially speaking of course) obviously a cacoethes of Tang’s, that you’d simply love to cancatervate and dive in, next to any word that started with “blo” , indeed in themselves a veritable gowpen, which has left you in a rather slubberdegullion state Dave.

Right then, time to put the mince on…

I’ve read that post 4 times now and I still don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

Firstly I don’t remember making any claims.

Secondly, I did take the time to read your post, then I decided to make a little joke about Tang’s mention of hookers and your mention of the size of your pudding, optimal enties and judas swingers…no? Not getting it yet?

Admittedly a little childish humour but hey, there ya go.

I dunno mate, geuss you just picked the wrong day to stop sniffing gas

Yer mekkin it up! ‘Slubberdegullions’. What a gorgeous word. There’s a line going through my head about ‘slubberdegullions on squeaky feet’ but I don’t know where it’s come from.

Oh well, back to sniffin’ the pritt stick.

Colony of Slippermen- Genesis

Nah, you said I was making claims. Anyway can’t be arsed going round in circles here so I’ll leave it there as I’d rather not resort to getting personal unlike you.

I’m a bit more grown up than that these days but hey there ya go!

Although I’m not new to trading I am new to this website & am also committed to maintaining & improving my skill levels.
But to imply that a newbie needs to be shepherded onto one specific thread at the exclusion of everything else is both naïve & ignorant.

I’ve had a browse through this ict guys threads & tried to watch a few of his video’s & I agree with JohnLeonard’s comments in the 3rd & 5th paragraphs of post #18 back in this thread.

I’m sure I’m not the only one to have noticed quite a few of his thread viewers are often confused & disoriented when attempting to establish a bias for the day or a trade entry set up, which is hardly surprising considering the mountain of information they have to navigate & absorb.

If ever there was a classic example of information overload, that material is it.
I’m so glad I’m not a newbie stumbling into those threads seeking my first introduction to trading.

I’d be horrified.

That was the point I was trying to make. Eberyone should have a look at everything and use that information how they see fit. If they like it then use it and progress it, if they don’t then move on to something new.

Everyone is different, you clearly found no benefit to the said material whereas I did, therefore it is at the traders discretion and I agree that no one should be pushed towards a particular thread but look at everything available to them and go with what they feel best suits them.

I just think that people should be unbiased in there opinion unless everyone is familiar with everyone else’s trading, and even then be constructive rather than obnoxious.

Right, let me spell this out for you, because your obviously having a bit of a time of it grasping what I meant.

I didn’t say you were making claims. Tang mentioned hookers ok? get that image in your head as I try to do as often as possible. Right then, got the image?

Now, you said your pud…no, do y’know what, just forget it.

It’s called HUMOUR Tommy and is/was in no way intended to imply I did not believe you were having success in your trading. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TRADING.

Also, I don’t recall getting personal but you grown ups probably see things differently.

Apologies for the …dunno what I’m apologizing for but I’ll do it anyway.

Right, I get it now. This time it has been me who has been a little slow on the uptake.

You think that the course of today has been for a few of us to attack ICT’s trading methods don’t you?

And in thinking that, you have been trying to say that everyone should be able to chose for themselves which tools and techniques works for them right?

Well that’s all fair enough, but the point of today was NOT to attack ICT, his trading methods or techniques.

The point of today was that a few of us were getting a little tired of OTHER PEOPLE (OTHER PEOPLE BEING [B][U]NOT[/U][/B] ICT HIMSELF TOMMY) flooding the forum with useless bollocks threads with the sole intention of declaring their undying devotion to ICT.

So with that in mind, we voiced our opinions on the matter as a way of saying stop cluttering the place up with pointless undying love threads.

And incidentally, I’m happy for you that your pudding has grown so much this year. I’m sure it gives someone a much warmer feeling inside.