Are you REALLY committed to trading?

I swear every time I read your name, I have visions of that Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee video and it’s distracting me from my trading. Any chance you can re-brand? Want to keep my trading clean …

Thank you, HoG, for articulating something which I have been thinking while reading some of today’s hyperbole and shorthand, reactionary posts around BP. We aren’t criticizing ICT or his teachings.

I know, I actually thought we were expressing it quite well until Tang mentioned hookers then the whole thing just went tits up if you ask me

Well I thought I was clear, but responses from some suggest that I am simply banging my head against a brick wall expecting them actually to read what I am saying before they respond. Tang’s input was entertaining, but also showed up how distressingly easily one’s counterparts in a discussion can be distracted from what one is actually saying.

Anyway, on that note, my tea is ready!

I get what you meant HOG. I agree…It is sometimes too much now… and no need to open another thread like that.

I already thank ICT for his work and depend him from other thread and I think that’s all I can do. When I see another discussion like this, it makes me more exhausting than analyzing my trades. It is just too much and need to stop.

As I grow as a trader … I am more than willing to take a look other people technique, method, ideas, system, and more fundamental analysis. You never know, I might find another “gold” to add into my collections :slight_smile:

I think we need to start or create other “meaningful” topic that we can all benefit from other than this non sense…and please no more “hookers”:slight_smile:

Cheers Everyone!!

Tea, what a good idea.

Funny thing though since you mention responses being made towards your good self. On my many travels throught he site today, I did indeed stumble across mention of the phrase “sock-puppeting”.

I can’t remember where I saw it but I’m sure you’ll probably know. Anyway, it’s not really important where, the point is, me and Mrs HoG used to play the sock-puppet game before we had kids. That’s WHY we have kids.

But I’m guessing that’s not the same thing as the one mentioned on the forum

Well, I see a lot of complaining but not a lot of suggestions to improve (Apart from: this has to stop!). Does anyone have a realistic suggestion to make it better for the young and the old ones here? Do the moderators have an opinion on this, do they know about the complaints?

I am afraid that when there will be no active moderation on this matter the only solution is to “Live and let Live, or move on”.

At the moment I don’t see a lot of ICT adapts participating in this discussion. They probably busy continue doing what you don’t like. Forming fronts will not be the solution and will only result in more disrespect to each other.

I went on the hunt and dug this out so I could show you PipNRoll, it’s from NikitaFX’s “…For Dummies” thread:

I sometimes wonder if I will ever make it in trading, mainly due to the points highlighted above. You see, I enjoy the interaction on this forum PnR, but even I am aware that the time I spend on here is wasted time.

It’s a social outing, a place to meet. When I first came here, SimonTemplar, RCarter and I talked about a pub you could go to to have a few beers and then go upstairs to the trading room and share your trading knowledge and make actual trades. that was the birth of the Trader’s Arms threads.

I would dearly love a place like that, I even contacted my broker once, as I have mentioned recently, and asked if it would be possible to have a multi access demo account, whereby 5 or 6 people could form an on-line “trading club” sharing their ideas and thoughts and all coming together to trade the same account. I thought this would be a great way for people to learn together. Unfortunately my broker does not allow these types of demo account.

But the point is, while we, the ones who DON’T trade for a living, are busy posting on here, we are losing what I read someone (my apologies because I can’t remember who said it or where) describe today as "our most valuable asset, time itself.

Now I could give you 4 names in particular who have, since I first arrived here, been only too willing to give me good, constructive advice. SimonTemplar, Yunny1, RCarter and a guy who’s not here now called Buckscoder. Always gave good advice.

Yes there is the ICT stuff that some find helpful. Niki’s thread is a great one and there are a few other good reads. But the trouble is that we are human and tend to be distracted too often by the endless supply of Sh** that also gets posted.

So in reality, how do we combat this. Do we think we MUST come here, for where else would we learn? Or have we just become lazy, or scared of the unknown enough to stay put?

I’ve told one particular friend on this site a few times that I was ready to quit it for a couple of reasons.

  1. However well intentioned the advice, sometimes it influences your trading decisions and you may take a trade you probably wouldn’t have otherwise. that’s NOT you thinking on your own.

  2. It’s a distraction from learning. RCarter once commented that nothing beats screen time for learning. I’m in the fortunate position where I can set up a little laptop at my work and even in the last couple of weeks of constantly watching charts I’m getting a little better at seeing things.

For me, the ONLY worthwhile new topic, would be a constantly on-line live channel where you could go to and discuss trading and make live trades together as a small group as a learning tool. Then, when we’re all big boys and girls and feel confident enough to make it on our own, we could waddle away from the nest.

This place is fine and well for the guys and girls who already trade for a living and can “afford” ( in terms of time) to spend time on here. The reality for the rest of us though is, that if you’re not learning, you’re wasting time.

I have no doubt I will leave this forum in the New Year at some point, in search of some serious learning time. The problem with that though is there are a few people on here I’d really miss.

What a conundrum.

EDIT: And sorry, no more hookers LOL!!

Good point Toekan.

Just made a point in last post about “beginner’s trading clubs”.

Get 5 or 6 beginner’s together, give them a multi access account. One person each month (or week or two weeks) is in charge of hitting the buy or sell button. After the trade has been entered, that person must explain to the “club” WHY they made that decision.

No one can tell you NOT to make the trade. After the trade is finished you all have a chance to discuss it in a CIVIL manner and hopefully learn as a group.

Haven’t got a bloody clue how you would go about setting it up mind you, but you didn’t ask that LOL!!


I agree too with your point regarding sometimes not following your own trade rationale whilst discussing setups. It is something I have got better with lately though.

Anyway on with thread.

Love it…

I like that! Would it fit your plan when there is also an experienced trader account? Would be fun to see us being wiped out by the noobs…:slight_smile:

Actually, why does BP not even have an FX fund that can be followed, participated in.

Ideal situation would involve an experienced trader. problem is that experienced traders are usually too busy trading for themselves, and may want “compensated” for the their time.

Idea of each individual little “trading group” would not be as a competition to see which individual made the most money, the whole point would be to discuss each trade, talk about the thinking behind it and hopefully grow as a group regardless of whether a trade was a winner or a loser

Yes its a nice alias to have. Anything that reminds of Pamela Anderson should be applauded though.

The Real Trader’s Arms

What seems like a million years ago (late 80’s and early 90’s) I actually belonged to something very similar to what you describe, an investment club. The focus was entirely on stocks though. Each member had an area of self-appointed “expertise” and at a monthly meeting would plead his case before the group for why his investment selection would be one of the chosen few that would make the portfolio that month and explain how he landed upon that decision.

It was quite educational in the days before high speed internet and easy online trading. It was a massive money loser and we eventually closed out the pittance that remained in the fund for a massive beer bash at the local bar we met at for “meetings” but it was where I initially learned to venture beyond mutual funds and actually learned a thing or two about trading. Most of it wrong, of course, since it was peer-to-peer teaching, one idiot to another, but it was fun and on occasion, informative.

The most valuable lesson learned was never make investment decisions after the fourth or fifth round of drinks.

I think you’ve just hit upon a fantastic idea for a sit-com JL LOL !!

EDIT: Anyway, going to bed now gang, take care all, goodnight.

Well I think you mention something that is indeed missing here… All there is is the school, forum and chat… But apparently there is a NEED that is being filled by you-know-who and there is no alternative available. The school provides basics in a static manner and on the forum stand-alone questions are answered and the questions are repeated almost daily. There is little challenge for the ‘Old guys/girls’ and not much complete and interactive things to go to for the ‘Young ones’.

The experienced ones aren’t as well as marketed as you-know-who, so how do they know where to go to discuss trading. There is a big red blinking arrow pointing towards you-know-who and the rest are just drowning in threads of newbies asking about a broker that don’t cheat them, give them a true ECN account that only requires a $300 deposit.

I wouldn’t mind to participate in such a live channel and share my xp. It is actually something I was looking for when I came to BP. Interaction with traders as there numbers around me are slim to none.

That’s a man that knows how to party like it’s the end of the world. And the timing is perfect because Hillary has a headache.