Are you REALLY committed to trading?

Be careful making recommendations.

Couldn’t resist :wink:

We need a theme tune now too.

Let us now continue to the next thread!

Your limitations are showing - this is not me thinking myself superior, it’s just how I talk, here and elsewhere, including in person. I won’t apologise for my background or demeanour to you or anyone else. My post has proved some things, but not your point.

I won’t tell you to shut up, this is a forum and in any case that is not really me. I will, however, venture that I consider you a presumptuous, arrogant clown.

Merry Christmas all!!


You are Colin Firth and I claim my £5. :wink:

have a great Christmas and New year all!

I should unsubscribe from this thread, because every new post here is not worth two rotten apples.

I mean, really.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

“A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.”
-Mark Twain.

Holy crap, how did I JUST find this thread?! O.o

Merry Christmas guys. :slight_smile:

Food coma…

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas :)…

We have been hiding it for you…:S Don’t be mad!! You were busy doing research and we didn’t want to bother you.

Merry Christmas!

U2 pip… I hope you do know that abbreviation, or I feel very old…:wink: [Refer to xmas gift HoG post].

I just want to say publically and for the record

I think ICT is brilliant and an awesome trader!

There I said it. I won’t push my view on anyone but I’ve been around the block and I know the real deal when I see it.

You brave man! :wink: Always good to see that people push their bounderies and say what they want to say…:slight_smile:

I love your site :slight_smile:

Blasphemy!! How dare you mention the great one, and then only compliment him twice in your post. You’re going to spend eternity taking trades from the 23.6% retracement level without any stop loss…

Just kidding obviously; I totally agree. I always feel like I should be complimenting ICT when I given an opinion, because I learned so much from him, but I’ve also been realizing that some folks on BP don’t follow (or appreciate all the references to ICT, and I want to respect their feelings as well. On the one hand, how can you ever say thank you enough to someone who’s given you the hope of doing something you really enjoy doing for a career. On the other, I can understand how other folks feel. I think it’s mroe the detractors of ICT who say the stuff he teaches does’nt work, when in actuality, what ICT has done is built a playbook based on professional trading techniques, which he’s sharing for free… It’s not a system, it’s market analysis.