Are you REALLY committed to trading?

I get being upset about people sucking up. But seriously you’re gonna question support and resistance, market structure, following the commercial traders and that during certain times price is more volatile and acts a certain way? Admit it its not the “system” it’s the person you don’t like for being flashy. Who cares if Michael doesn’t make money or anyone else. It’s not because of the basic tools. It’s about the person using then and how. Everyone is different and the results will be different.

But by the same token you also don’t see bunches of folks professing undying love & begging to sire the babypips school’s children either IyaJenkei.

I’m not in the slightest bit worried about your account akeakamai, i simply asked that after all the hours of video & mountains of information you’ve plowed through since following the instructional excellence of this guy, & considering all the fuss being made about the material, I would expect you long termers to be rolling in it.

Obviously not.

So you’re either mad he attracts followers or you think he makes up accounts? Neither of which have anything to do with how many people succeed. It’s mostly noobs who do that anyway. Trading makes you feel free like you won’t have to Slave away for 55 years. Makes you excited. And for a lot of noobs it’s Michael who’s leading the way. What would you do if someone handed you enough money to last you’re whole life? Thank them once and walk away. I’m not saying people don’t go overboard or anything but at least try to be empathetic.

Well since you want me to ‘resign my post as Guardian of BabyPips’ (!) I don’t think you’re really that interested in my opinion.

I’m not mad at anyone, nor did I imply that anyone is making up accounts. Look, I’m typing this with a broad smile on my face :slight_smile:

Wasn’t the main gripe with all this centered around the unnecessary invasion & spamming of non-ict threads with over the top praise lavished on your mentor at every & any opportunity?
Don’t lose sight of the point of the recent subject matter.

If you’re benefitting from, & enjoying your journey into the trading world, then good for you, that’s fantastic & long may it continue!
But not everyone on Babypips shares your (or your fellow thread followers) unbridled enthusiasm of your mentors fabulous tuition.

As others have mentioned before me, it would be nice to browse other threads & topics on here without having all that wonderful (apparent?) success & top notch information shoved down our throats at every conceivable opportunity.

By all means share the love & joy, but respect other forum users wishes & try to contain & confine all the excitement of future financial freedom to the appropriate threads hey?

If it is indeed that good, all interested parties will eventually find their way onto the threads. Babypips isn’t that big a place.

I don’t like all the affection either. I have stated my thanx on the millionaire traders guild and I do tweet him thank you whenever he puts out a piece of info I find particularly useful. I just don’t like people attacking the tools, not on this thread. You brought up about his mentees being profitable I wanted to get it out of the way. I jus wanted to point out why people act like they do. I don’t like it either and PPFX is annoying but I didn’t start the bashing it’s not that big of a deal. Especially if the mods don’t care enough about the site or the threads to do something. Tho they cared enough about me using a cuss word that was bleeped to send me an infraction…

Moderators won’t usually intervene or slap heads unless forum rules are being violated or exchanges become heated to the point where they need to close down a thread, sweep it clean & issue infractions.

That purpleforex guy is certainly a very excitable individual, but I guess newbies are prone to that type of behavior when they discover fresh material. It must be his default mechanism, as I notice it’s virtually a mirror image of his time spent trying to recruit all & sundry into following VSA not so long ago.

I guess the forum will experience the same annoying behavior when he flutters onto his next wide eyed discovery. That should be a joyous occasion for everyone.

And on that note I’d imagine that as soon as he clocks my recent contributions I’ll be added to his thread ignore list too, lol.

Merry Xmas, & keep the noise down yeah? :wink:

Simon, see what I’ve just done with your post, in your words the balance has gone.

I’ve added absolutely nothing, I have just taken away, by doing so I have diminished the meaning, and worse, the spirit of your post.

I wonder is the same thing happening to ICT’s contribution to this site, is it being diminished by Ego, not just of you, but of us all.

holy moly, just discovered this thread. seriously everyone, calm down. i don’t really know what happened in other threads as i am not following a lot. but i can imagine what ppfx might have said, because i read one post in a pete fader (vsa trader and teacher) thread a while ago, which set me off a little as well, because ppfx post came out a little strong and was pretty much attacking everything that pete fader believes in and has been trading for like forever. i can certainly understand, why this kind of behaviour would upset people. i think it’s just ppfx nature though. in my experience he’s a little hot headed sometimes, but after all, he only means good. so don’t be mad at him (if basically all this fuss is about ppfx posts, don’t know what other ict followers might have done). he’s a good guy!

so, what i’m trying to say:

to the ict people: stop spamming and trying to shove down ict’s teachings down the throats of others. if someone wants to study ict’s stuff, they will do it at some point. if not, fine! there are other ways of being profitable, so don’t force your (basically ict’s) way on other people, as it can create the impression that you are trying to crush everything that other people have learned and are possibly actively trading. after all trading is a lot about self confidence and “believing” in your system (not the perfect expression but that needs to serve the purpose).
another thing: if you want to help others, try to do it in a friendly and not too aggressive fashion. apart from that just concentrate on your own developement! when you are consistently profitable, made all the money you ever wanted and seek for some other fullfilment in your life, like teaching and helping others for example, you can then consider doing that. and there are possibly 33298430892480234 ways and trading styles to make money, and not a single person in the world knows them all. so don’t judge people who are not following the same path as you are.

to everyone else: just hang in there, this ict “invasion” will end at some point. maybe the extreme followers will double think about posting aggressive opinions on other threads after seeing this thread and the comments of some of you guys (especially simon who has in my experience always been the reasonable, rational voice in this forum and is not totally affected by emotions like a lot of other people are. so at least to me, his word really means something).

to everyone: have a nice christmas and a happy new year. hope everyone will get along in 2013 again, and lets all make some massive amounts of pips with all sorts of different trading styles.


I’m sorry I don’t really get the point you are making.

I’m sorry I resent that. High on myself? This forum is awash with overconfident members being very judgmental and presenting their opinion as irrefutable fact. I bend over backwards to caveat most of my key ‘advice’ posts with phrases like ‘just my opinion’ or ‘others will disagree’ or ‘in my view’ or similar, I really only ever put my view but am very open to others disagreeing, I am certainly at the mild end when it comes to ego on here. I am constantly astonished at how some members, particularly newer ones, speak as if they wrote the book and their view is the only valid viewpoint.

I am not here selling anything, but I make a lot of money trading currency, it’s my primary focus, I’m here for a sense of community and to try to help others vastly more than I am to learn - my trading style is the same as when I joined.

You don’t know me, I did not have it easy, I took real risks with money that could have provided things for my kids to get where I am. That I have a supportive wife is no indication that I had a soft ride here.

I could really so without the cod-psychoanalysis when you don’t have all the facts.

One minute we’re PMing about saving dolphins, then you’re sniping at me for using the ignore list in a way of which you don’t approve, then you’re taking this high-handed stance telling me that I’m some self-appointed guardian of BabyPips, you’re fine if I leave altogether, but if I can for once present my opinion in a down-to-earth way then you’re interested in hearing it? Yet I’m the one a little high in myself?

On a site where so many present their opinion as unassailable Gospel, I am at the meek and helpful end, I’m a net contributor here, and anyone can compare my posts with the average - including yours - and form their own view.

You are the one who has been combative, snappy and superior - just take this thread as an example - so as you would say, get over yourself an stop picking on the good guys.

Welcome to the Internet!

Yeh… I entirely agree with Simon here… Probably the most even tempered low ego character on here… Trying to make it seem that he views himself as a guardian of babypips is waaaay over the top.

Although I still scratch my head at his resistance to the fundies… Stubborn Brit :wink:

I joined babypips a few years ago because there were a dozen or so knowledgeable, intelligent helpful posters. All the other forums were full of nasty jibes, arrogance and was more of an immature gathering of teenagers. I noticed a year ago, the taste here on babypips changed, it became more aggressive, and to be honest a less enjoyable experience. I still spend some of the very little time I have on here but this thread is a great example of why I should just leave and stop wasting my time. I don’t know ST or akeakamai, purple, ICT or anyone personally and don’t intend to build friendships … I’m here to make money, learn and contribute within a community. Just agree to disagree here, close this thread and let’s try to get back to the useful babypips of old. Festive wishes to everyone.

Don’t worry about it too much Mrchilled…It is just a pissing contest that guys do from time to time (maybe due to drinking too much beer…lol). If you don’t like reading this kind of stuff then moved to something else or create one.

These website is still the best that I have seen on internet (I think). It is still a good place to speak your mind and think you are the smartest person on earth…lol. If we survive the “end of the world, Mayan Calendar” prophesy’s, we can survived this as well…

You probably just thinking too much…have a few drinks or so :slight_smile:

Have a great night everyone! Cheers!

Pissing contest? Lol
I also think that anyone who makes personal attacks at someone on the internet is pretty much a coward, so I ignore those and prefer to engage with the more mature ones who keep things neutral.

People should check out Rhody Trader’s (John Forman) blog, he has a really good article on what to expect from forums and and how people behave on the internet. It gives some perspective.

PipnRoll, be careful when prescribing alcohol, lol. I have a feeling that’s how this mess started in the first place.

I guess you don’t have to worry about a “cat fight” or “pillow fight” for girls because we aren’t to many here. So, pissing it is…lol.

I will take a look at John’s blog. I love good reads…Thank you for that.

Well, I have pineapple and orange juice (with a uhmmm vodka) :slight_smile:

Better sticking to tea PipNroll.

You don’t feel the need to sing every Sinatra song ever recorded when you drink tea, but then you don’t have to make too many apologies the next morning either!

Merry Xmas to you.

And so comes to a stirring end another episode of Days of Our Lives, BabyPips Edition.

Will PPF stop whining? Will ICT ever be afforded the respect he so richly deserves? Can HoG forget about trying out the power of 3 with those ‘bloviating’ hookers? And can Simon and AK put their differences aside as we encroach on a new year of FX trading (complete with a new zombie apocalypse!)?
Tune in next time to find out!


And lets us go to the PUB!