Are you writing in your journal?

I haven’t focussed enough energy into trading of late, and a small break kept getting longer. As I was writing about my level of investment in trading, I just realised I haven’t been staying on top of things and that a journal would really help me.

Everyone needs to be reminded in some way or another, I got mine, here’s your. Write in your Journal.

*My brokerage dropped a pair its been so long. I had no idea, and I was really getting some good use out of it.

For my own usage, I made a Google Sheet to which I put multiple components. This makes it convenient for me to store and examine each of my trades as needed. I also use a different Google Sheet to keep track of how much time I spend on social media. Overall, it has proven to be a useful tool and you are right, we need to write them.
Best Luck/

how much time you spend on social Media ? you Google Sheets really works ?