Hi @knivez24 !
Welcome to the BabyPips community! We’re happy to have you.
You came to the right place to learn about Forex trading! To get acquainted with the basics, please feel free to check out the BabyPips School of Pipsology: Learn Forex Trading at School of Pipsology - BabyPips.com .
As you go along the different lessons, you will have a better understanding of how forex trading works, what indicators you could use, and more.
If you ever have any questions or clarifications regarding the lessons, you’re very much welcome to share them with the community. We’ll be happy to assist you.
There are also tons of really helpful threads on our forums. To get you started, these are just some of them:
Hello fellow traders and newbie traders alike.
Let me start by saying that I am by no means a vastly experienced nor full time trader, unlike some other members here. Babypips is predominantly populated by newcomers, part-time traders (or hobby traders, if you like), and a smaller number of experienced full-time traders.
The purpose of this thread is to hold out a helping hand to new traders. I know from personal experience that trading forex is unlike just about anything else I had previousl…
Here we go. Noobs pay attention. This is your job as a trader. Research and statistical analysis. If you can’t preform this then the sad news is give up and walk away. You’ll save a whole heap of money and pain.
This topic came to me after a recent thread where a newbie wanted to know if a currency deprecated in value after a certain time of day like close of market. This type of question immediately raises alarms for a more experience (not necessarily meaning successful) member. La…
Hope this helps! We are excited to be part of your forex journey!