Aspiring newbie

Hi everyone. I’m an aspiring newbie
I’ve been around people who trade all my life
I’ve decided to take the chance as well

Hope I make worthwhile connections and make money​:chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend:

Welcome! How are you getting on with your trading education? Hope you’re enjoying your stay. Good luck on your new journey!

Hi and welcome. I’m sure they will all tell you to just focus on learning and practice which is the right advice. Set good habits early on and it will be much easier down the line.

Hi and welcome… :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello and welcome!
Are you close to the people in your life that trade? If so, maybe you could ask them to share more details with you about works for them, since it’s always good to get that perspective. If not, you could certainly learn on your own here. :grin: