At what price are you selling your BTC?

Oh wow not at all to fiat? :open_mouth:

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An interesting question. Overall it has cost me around 3% (sometimes more) to on-ramp into Crypto from the Fiat world. I hate paying fees. So there would need to be a very good reason for me to need to feel that transferring anything to Fiat would result in a less risky or more rewarding proposition (with an immediate 3% penalty in mind that I would need to pay to bring it back into Fiatland), and I just donā€™t see those opportunities anywhere right now.

There is something else as well. To date we have not contemplated earning interest on either our crypto holdings, or indeed on Stable Currency (a misnomer if I ever heard one). Right now we can borrow (unsecured) money in the UK at 3.4% interest and earn USDT interest at something like 8%. So it would just not make any sense to bring real money (crypto) back to Fiat land.

There is one situation that would tempt me to bring it back, and that is if silver and gold took a nose dive to multi-year lows. So even if the market manipulation of the precious metal ETFs became even more obvious than it has been during the past four decades, I would take that opportunity to stock up with those metals (no counterparty risk of ETFs thank you very much) and horde gold. I havenā€™t thought that through too much but something like $1,200 an ounce may tempt me.


Oh okay, fees. I thought you no longer believed in fiat or maybe for tax reasons. Which btw, how do crypto taxes work in the UK? Iā€™m sometimes wary of exiting or doing pretty much anything outside of buying mainly because everything here seems to be a taxable event.

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I am yet to experience that in reality. This will be the first year I have reported crypto activity (I mean tax year ending Mar2021). I have spoken briefly to my accountant and my current simplistic understanding is that it is treated as a capital gain (Capital gain tax or CGT). In that case, unless you already use a capital gain allowance, and on the understanding the crypto ā€œaccountā€ is jointly held by self and wife, that means the first Ā£20K per year of profit is exempt from CGT. It also means that you can offset other investment (business) losses against these gains if they exceed Ā£20K.

This is different from tax from Forex trading. The last time I reported that it was not taxable, and neither were losses deductible from income or business tax. So given that I would have reported losses (the losses were very small in the greater order of things) I could not have offset them against any business losses anyway.

With many such considerations, I am of the view that you should only worry about taxes when you know you are going to have some to pay. I do not take business decisions based on favourable or unfavourable tax treatment if it is something I am entering anew. For sure, once I have an income stream that is likely to repeat, then and only then do I look at the tax implications. Worrying about events that mostly donā€™t happen are a waste of time and brainpower.


Iā€™m personally convinced that traders should keep btc until it becomes something more that it is nowadays. I believe that there will be a situation when governments of various countries understand the value of btc and make it as a second national currency. Of course, the exchange rate will drop, however it will increase the value of btc. Some countries prohibit btc exchange because of weak security, but Iā€™m sure that if there will be couple of countries which approve the exchange of btc, then it will be a great breakthrough in the economics. It of course will make national currency face inflation, but this situation will be solved in my opinion. So, traders would better stay off the idea of selling their btc.

Ah, advice applicable to all facets of life and not just crypto trading!

Youā€™re right though. I unfortunately take some of this into slight consideration given that some of my friends have gone to great lengths trying to report their crypto activities accurately. So if I do end up selling some of my stash before the year ends (in case BTC does hit 80) Iā€™ll probably have to look for a platform that would do this for me automatically.

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$100k woooow! :smiley: I really hope it gets there. Let me know when youā€™re gonna sell so Iā€™d anticipate higher prices. :stuck_out_tongue: Haha. :smiley:

Same thoughts! :joy: Hahaha! :smiley: But kidding aside, Iā€™m also hoping it gets to $100k so I can sell a bit. And then, Iā€™d just use the profit from that to buy more once prices go down. Haha. :smiley:

Right??? :thinking: Itā€™s so hard to let go cause thereā€™s this possibility that price would go even higher, and youā€™d miss out on even more profit. :confused: This is probably where the concept of greed comes in. :thinking:

I guess I had the same reaction as Ponponwei on this one! :sweat_smile: I was initially planning on looking for other investments (I was looking at a mutual fund or REITS) that are supposedly more stable than crypto. But after reading your exchange, I think Iā€™m gonna sit on it and plan some more. :thinking: Gotta say I learned so much just from reading your discussion! :sweat_smile:

Hi all,
This has been a difficult six months for us. Today, our decisions along the way to ā€œdo very littleā€ has rewarded us with a crypto portfolio value that is now within 2% of its peak that occurred on 12Apr21.

I think I can finally say, since 1988, that I have conquered the patience attribute of trading. I have questioned our 1Apr21 annual trading plan so many times over the past six months. During April we settled our holdings in Crypto for the next 12 months as ratios. And we have not adjusted those ratios since then. It was not for the want of trying. Leading up to April we had successfully traded our crypto holdings between token types and benefitted hugely from that decision. However, I could not find any trades that matched the same entry criteria as we had used, and I have revisited this every week since then.

I now see the patterns re-emerging that will encourage me to get back into trading our crypto portfolio as per our 2021/22 plan having traded exactly two trades since the end of April!

I am a happy bunny today. Gosh, even XRP is up - long may it continue.

Ratios (in USD base) actual % vs plan range %
BTC 49% Plan range 40-60%
XRP 23% Plan range 15-20%
ETH 17% Plan range 15-20%
Other 10% Plan range 10-20%

What does the plan tell me?
Donā€™t touch BTC, reduce XRP, increase ETH and examine ā€œotherā€.

This will be an interesting week.


That was such an exciting update. :smiley: Haha. :blush: Iā€™m glad that things are working out for you and your crypto portfolio, and I agree that things are really starting to get interesting. Maybe you can give me a nudge next time you decide to move stuff around so I could follow suit :stuck_out_tongue: Haha. :slight_smile:

I am glad I read this. One thing I have learned over the years is to advise people not to follow what I do. The simple reason is that it is highly unlikely that my risk profile, goals and objectives will be anything like that of other people. Members can be forgiven for thinking that itā€™s ā€œall about making money in the endā€ but it is not. So my advice is to know what you want yourself and set your own plans to get there. If, when you are old and grey, you look back with any disappointment, you will be happy to blame yourself instead of some faceless person whose ideas you followed (or worse still, a ā€œfinancial advisorā€ who you listened to who is either dead by now or retired in the Bahamas.

When I were much younger, I listened to stock brokers, wealth advisors, people older than myself, and was upset when things did not go my way. Then I realized that it was their job to advise me, it was not their job to make me wealthy. That is my job and my job alone. :grin:

What if itā€™s like at 95k and holding by the end of Dec? Would you still sell then or wait until it actually hits 100? :open_mouth: