*** ATTENTION people at TD Ameritrade

[B]*** ATTENTION people at TD Ameritrade[/B], I am REALLY going to Blow Your Mind here. My bank that I use has this cool ability to change money from one account to another at the same bank, [B][U]INSTANTLY![/U][/B]

Isn’t that amazing?

So if I have a savings account and move money from that account to my checking account, the money is usable in my checking immediately for use. What a fantastic idea.

Now, wouldn’t it be awesome for TD Ameritrade to have something like that?

Follow me now, I know you all at TDA are not very up to date with stuff, and like to lag behind on things that are, well, common sense.

So for instance, when I move money from my Forex account to my main account (or vise versa - that means “the other way around”) it would show up instantly so it could be used.

It is not a very complicated thing to accomplish. I know this because I am a programmer. But I am sure it would make your customers (those pesky little people like me that pay your salaries) would love to have. Or maybe we are just numbers to you all. So how bout it?

Mind BLOWN!!

Is it just me that has common sense around here. I have brought up 18 common sense things to TD Ameritrade in the past few years and not a single one has been done. Things like this, and things like just showing your forex balance on the TDA website under a magical area called BALANCES. Are the people that work there just freaking brain-dead? Who is running this place. My 5 year old daughter could do a better job of things then what they are doing.

Hey TD Ameritrade,


We Pay your Salaries, Keep that in mind! So give us what we ask for, for _____ sake.

I would like to add, just in case ANYONE at TDAmeritrade ever cares to listen. How about TDAmeritrade allows people from Arizona and Ohio to have forex accounts?

TDAmeritrade, you are one of the few players in the US Forex market and you go ahead and kick people off based on random geolocation. After all, it was big business who wanted all this extra regulation for forex. So what is the problem now, you don’t like what you have created?

For anyone who is unaware, TDAmeritrade does not allow forex accounts for residents of Ohio and Arizona. Got to love when big business plays politics and retail investor gets screwed.