AUD/USD: Interest Rate Decision comming soon

That’s interesting because I’m more of a technical trader, but I also consider myself an intraday trader so it just works for me. I’m just looking for 20 - 30 pips per trade and I get the hell out lol I feel like fundamentals are super important and should be a main focus if you hold trades long term. I still keep myself updated with news of course also because there hvae been times when I’ve been stopped out due to major news events

Thats something i experienced very uncomfortable at the beginning of my scalping activities (i would describe myself as a scalper who takes profit between 0,5 and max. 4-5 pips/trade, sometimes if price moves too fast some more pips)- you get good technical signals, you enter the trade, it heads in your direction and suddenly in the opposite and game over- the reason: minor news release against your position but enough to kill your trade. So i started to note down all those times during a day, at what times i do not enter trades because price driving news are released ( some minutes prior).

That helped a lot to avoid surprises from the news front

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yeaa, I don’t really see the point in scalping unless you’re working with a large capital honestly. Then 4 - 6 pips is worth it. It’s good that you keep a journal also, I’m all digital over here lol

You are absolutely right concerning the position size- i am working on it: tested it exactly one year ago with up to 10 Lot positions on demo, and what i did worked perfect- unfortunately i still have not 3000 bucks to fund my account, but soon.(I am not a boaster, but scalping realy works!)

The problem is, that this discretionary trading is full stress- actually i try to put the main ingredients into a formula, but i have no ambition to learn programming on MT4/5- can you recommend accidentially a provider where you can make little programs like on MT4 but without special programming knowlledge?

Learning to code and program your own Algo’s, takes you into a different league of trading…

@Kashmaster, give this site a try for building software without coding…

YouTube vid of how it works…(Below)

“The harder you work… the luckier you get…” You’re welcome…

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Thanks for that, i will try it!

I have no issue giving long time predictions with real knowledge of situations…

I think there is some reasons for AUD to grow, it seews to be more stable and macroeconomic situation in Australia is much more stable in the US. I think USD is overestimated cause of China-US trading deal, but there’s overestimating of its. Also, elections are coming and uncertainty as well.

The main driver for the weakness of Kangaroo and Maori actually was this virus and the prospects concerning China-trade relations. The economical figures were not that bad, you are right. We saw yesterday what happened- the negative impact on economy of the virus was played down by officials, and both currencies strenghend- if that virus is battled down completely, the whole situation changes.