Audit Claims of EA Marketing Web sites

Before you spend a lot of time reviewing the claims of EA software web sites, it might pay to do a little auditing of their purported results. Many of them show MYFXBook or other results info. Sometimes you can copy those into an Excel spreadsheet.

I just analyzed one from an advertising email for a Trade Copier system (who shall remain nameless). Their results showed a profit of $15,000 from the trades they listed. When I summed the profit column I came up with a [B][I]NEGATIVE[/I][/B] $297.00. :30:

I also noticed a few very large trades, of $6,000 - $7,000 in the middle of the list, whereas most of the trades were in the $100-$300 range. A RED FLAG for me. I think they doctored up their results!!!

You can also “spot check” their trades by matching up the trade to the date & time in your MT4 or Tradestation. I’ve found more than one web site have “phantom” trades.

Best Regards and Happy Trading!

Steve C.