AUDUSD HITTING 5 Years low. Is it a good time to go long for the long run?

1st post around the forums!:slight_smile:

Noticed that it�s hitting a 5 year low and nobody is saying nothing about it, and thought this might a good time to long it.

Comments anyone??

It seems to be carrying quite a bit of downpull, there seem to be people who think it’s going back up soon, but personally i feel it has a while more before it really reaches its bottom.

Then again that’s just my take, the last time i speculated the USD would stay down, the bailout plan worked too well haha.

If you’re in it for the long term (months), you might want to buy now. Otherwise it might be wise to wait for signs of the comdoll bouncing back up

EDIT: you might want to read , it has a wealth of good information :slight_smile:

Check this out:

Has The Aussie Found Bottom? | Forex Blog: Pipscalibur / All News / AUD

Hi, can anyone explain me why if the US economy is going so bad why the us dollar is winning terrain against all the currency?
is a econmy of a country goes wrong usually the coin of that country goes down right? why this case is an exception??
there where any technical signal for the big 3500 pips down of the pair AUD/USD?


I read this and I see AUD might even go as low as 0.4491 but if it breaks above Fibo�s 138% level it might reach 0.7801. What do you think is gonna happen? I�m kind of worried about it so I�d like to get some advice, I still have some oz dollars that I brought back from home but they devaluating to fast.

Bearish trend is all I see, I will wait the next week before making any movements there. I tried to analyze the trend but it seems to be too volatile. So I rather waiting than going straight to the bear claws.

1st T/P 0.6380 95 % surely, i did double my bet on this one
2nd T/P 0.6450

but good luck anyways, stick with your rules

Retrace yes, long term long – no !

Probably a long term trade is not the best choice, I actually tried myself as a scalper and it worked. I gained some pips with the ausie, just based my support/ restriction points where my stop is safely.

We can see that level 0.6537 failed as support and I see the price right now ranging around 100 pips below. It hasn�t had that much time after the level was broken to either correct the trend nor continue the downfall, however, if we consider what�s on the reading posted by Black Knight, and the Fibo proves once more its accuracy we�ll see it bearish for a while.

yeah, money money, all T/P HIT good game all

It seems bear claws are taking control on AUD. Let’s see if we can take advantage on this situation.

As far as I understand there was a fundamental signal…Investors dumped the Aussie in order to buy in to a “safer” US currency, among the global financial meltdown

the “bad” news in the US has already been “priced in” to that currency and now we sweep down on the “johnnie come later” currencies, as was to be expected !

we are now “used” to the US bad news and no one really cares except to play it during news releases and go short against most other currencies.

enjoy and trade well


the large fall in the aud was largely due to the unwinding of carry trades esp Large drop in aud interest rates. All other economy’s rely on US consumer. A relatively small drop in US consumer spending often will not impact other economy’s But a huge drop like we have now sends everyone down the toilet. Anyone looking at cot data would have seen the huge drop in long positions by large speculators on 29 july, it was all south from here. RSI was good for confirmation + exit point. Although aud/usd has made gains at 70500 today I dont think the medium term outlook is good Interest rates will probably continue downward and the countries heavy reliance on mineral/energy exports suffer. Then again I have been wrong before and its a pretty good bet that I will be again at some point in the future.

You hit it, you are nemero Uno…

It seems bear claws are taking control on AUD.


seems like a retracement on the daily to me…

I think it’s better to be long with AUD/USD and I believe it will soon be back to 0.95