Does anyone use forex autopilot, forex assassin, forex killer, or any of the so called auto robot software to trade? are they scams or do they really work? Seems to me you have to have at least basic knowledge and skills with a market as hard as the forex. I don’t even know if I can believe any of the online reviews at pro or con for these software programs.
Most of those programs are crap in my opinion, sure you may get some success out of them, but for how long, the market is always changing.
If you search these forums, those programs have been talked about before.
It is always better to learn this stuff yourself.
Learning about Forex can seem daunting, especially if someone has little/no previous background in finance or the markets, but justifications provided by those who prefer to spin their wheels on trading software and gimmickry while never really getting anywhere ring hollow. Make up your mind to attain what cannot be changed or taken away from you: the knowledge and skill necessary to trade well.
Have you ever heard the term, “if its too good to be true?”
[B]They are not scam but i consider them as faliures. why bcz market changes it’s behaviour time to time so we can not say any system is successfull for a longer period of time. Even if you have basic knowledge & skills & you got any long or short signal from these autopilots than maybe for a moment you will confused before taking any decision…I think it’s far batter to learn by yourself & than to trade instead of relying onthese autopilots…
PipHacker!!! [/B]
The EAs mentioned are not “scams” but they are poor example of expert advisors. Another thing, if you poured years of trading experience into your EA and came up with a winning EA, would you peddle it on ClickBank? Let’s think about that. The person who won the auto trading championship isn’t selling his, why would some one sell one for $100? EA is only as good as the logic behind it. How complex is the market? The effective EA must equally be complex.
i sometimes use then for information to help in a trade put i always make my trade on many places of information.
it took time put the more i learn the more i make.
There is at least one trading system that is not a scam. PipBoxer is amazing. I’ve been trading it live for more than a year. I have tripled my account balance. You can see what other say about them on ForexPeaceArmy and many other forums and websites. Their customer service is also amazing.
They update the parameters of their system every now and again and they send the updated EAs to us. The updates help to keep the system always profitable.
ForexPeaceArmy, I don’t think you’ll find to many people on here that are going to give that website a good review seeing that it’s run by Felix.