Automating trading as a hobby and hopefully more

Hello, everyone!

I’m Norberto87, and I’ve been interested in trading for a few years now.

I’m a software developer, developing mostly for web, but I also have some significant experience on developing high performance real time systems.

I had my first contact with something similar on a football betting exchange, where you can bet in favour or against a certain result, being a nice introduction to how trading basics work (of course, still being betting, at the end of the day).

I soon realised I have a passion for seeing the numbers changing in real time, which I believe is a strong indicator that I like day trading. :slight_smile:

Recently, I had a very lucky chance to meet a forex day trader, that actually makes a living out of it, trading on his own. We started talking about what each of us do for a living, and it resulted in me developing a customised trading software (it’s still far from complete, and it’s not going to be available for commercial purposes).

I’ve been reading a lot and doing the School of Pipsology lessons, while at the same time I’ve been applying the concepts I’ve been learning from both here and my mentor, in my software.

I’m looking forward to start a YouTube channel, without any commercial purposes, to show my progress on the development, with the hope that it inspires other people, and ultimately, that I can become a profitable trader, and be able to look back at my progress, and how I achieved it. :slight_smile:

Good luck, everyone!

:+1: Inspiring journey. Do post the URL for your YouTube channel when you have it up.

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I will! :smiley:

I’ve been getting so much inspiration from everyone, and I’m a strong believer in free knowledge sharing for a greater benefit, so I also want to be an inspiration to whomever I can! :slight_smile:

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Hi Norberto87 ! i reply because i am new to FX also and setting up a trading bot is me next plan, maybe we could exchange info and tips, i have a lot of experience in Crypto and was trying to set up a bot in that also, but i need the profits and crypto is so full of scamwicks and absurd PA, very hopefull now, again, like to hear from you!

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Hi, @CryptoGuy74!

Of course, I’d love to do that! :smiley:
Above everything, this will be a learning project, and as I mentioned, my main goal is to share knowledge.

Thanks for your reply!

good luck :slight_smile:

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Thank you! :smiley:

hi, its a big change for me as my first week is finally profitable, never had this in crypto, so i guess i cant be that bad of a trader after all , lol, and ive been noticing certain bot-actions-strategy’s like the double candles each time the Ema’s cross in the MAcD, its so obvious if you pay attention, would you have similar strats that could be used for bots?

I’m still learning a lot about trading, so I’m still reading about the most common strategies.

For example, I have one basic implementation of moving average crossing, but that one I’m not using MACD, nor any other indicator to give more information. But it’s possible to combine any indicators in the software’s strategies.

As the software is being fully developed from scratch, all the indicators need to be implemented as well. The really good thing is that there’s a lot of information available for that. :slight_smile:

I’m waiting for a microphone, and I’m also going to start creating videos this week, to finally start posting them online. :slight_smile:

The content won’t be only focused on the trading part, but a lot on how to develop the software from scratch, with some software engineering concepts and documentation.

Below, you can find a few screenshots of the current state.

I have tried automated trading for a few days and it does have some benefits.”