Autotrading Platform

Live followers number of each signal provider is a good indicator which proves his value. Μeaning that if he was not good he would not have so many followers. I would have calculated it in ranking.

I have tested a little this new risk allocation mode.
So, If I tell the system how risky want to be would this auto risk allocation mode set the right number of lots for my signal providers?
Algorithm is published but maths are not my strong point. :frowning:

Yep for those not in strong in the math department, the auto-mode works well. but this will not stay forever, have in mind that it only limits lots per trade and not the open positions, which reflects that even with low lots, if a provider changes his strategy or simply messes up, you risk your account being blown up!:51:

beware, auto is only good for the beginning, ‘long-run’ it is better to control the positions since this mode only limits lots per trade and not for open positions.You might experience providers changing strategies or simply messes up risk accumulated can be very high. Therefore better strategy will be to change to manual mode. :59: