Away from trading

Guess who’s back after a hiatus from the trading world? What advice or insights would you offer to someone who has been away from trading for some time?

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Welcome back! How long you’ve been away from trading? Take time to refresh your knowledge and review any updates or changes that happened during your break.

This probably would be a good thread

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welcome back to this community , i hope you should take some time for refreshment , it will support you a lot to start in a proper way.

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Welcome back dude, I say do these for your return:

  • Refresh your knowledge and stay updated on market trends.
  • Practice on a demo account before trading with real money.
  • Review and adjust your trading plan to fit current market conditions.

Welcome baaack! :blush: Hope you had a good break, and that you’re returning with all guns blazing. Haha. :smiley: I’d say take your time get re-acquainted with with the charts before getting in again. :smiley:


Now that you’re back, do you have any plans of starting a trading journal here? :blush:


instead of demo account i think micro is more appropriate to acquire live trading knowledge and experience.

micro account is good but this is a not good approach at the first stage of trading .

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hi and welcome , have a knowledgeable journey from there. happy trading

Hi and welcome back.

What was the reason you tried trading the first time, and why did you try trading?

What is the reason you came back to trading and why do you want to trade again?

In brief, I am asking your original strategy, and what has changed

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Was that break helpful? Could you change anything? How long have you been on your break?
What was the reason that you took a break? Could you solve it?
And now that you are back, do you want to re-start everything, or do you want to improve your strategy and maybe manage your emotions better?
I think after answering these questions, you will be helped more.
Best Luck./

Even if you were away for a month, you will forget stuff because there are constantly updates that you need to keep up with.

Yes, I agree that learning from others is preferable to learning everything on your own.

Thanks @NeilKruger
Yes all traders need to refresh and recover themselves and make new plans.

Hi buddy,
Thank you for great advice.
during these days I was away I tried to refresh and start to study again.

Hi, Ria
Thank you, sweetie. Additionally, I wish you luck. :heart_eyes:
You remind me of a friend I once had named Ria.

I used to write in a note book but I decided to have an online sheet.

My broker does not have micros.
I am fine with their demos.
use them for back testing

Yes exactly wells said.
It is better to trade on demos.