Awesome Oscillator - that's all!

Hi Dale, finally downloaded the Delta Trading platform. Yes, a bit confused at first and I’ve got some error during the installation due to some windows file that needs to be changed. But after proceeding with the installation, the Delta Trading platform seems to work fine. And This Delta Trading platform seems to have a lot more stuff than the Delta Meta Trader platform. I will try to get use to using the demo version first. I’ve installed it for a few days now and still at the learning mode. So far, so good…

Well, since I’m travelling around, I spend most of the time in Jakarta, Indonesia and a good few months in Beijing, China every year. I would like to get a broker that is fast and efficient, not only when you deposit your fund but also during withdrawal. I’ve been taking a look at Delta. I hope after I have some mastery in Trading, I can open a real account.

In terms of trading signal, at first, I was trying Ichimoku, then I combine with Parabolic Sar, then I add Bill Williams… Funny in MRG Trader demo platform, I can win, but in another Platform, most of the time I lose. I’m taking the time now to read the Ubiquitous book from Welles Wilder. I hope I can get better in demo trading first then I will look into real trading. As a newbie, sometimes I would like to get things going as fast as possible, but I understand it will take some time to master the Trading system and be discipline in money management.

Back to reading and testing Delta Trading demo platform … :slight_smile:


Nice to hear from you again. And of course I’m please that you’re at least TRYING to use Delta Trading. Unfortunately it IS a bit ‘daunting’ at first glance but that’s what I’m here for i.e. to assist. Put another way: I’ve never come across a client that after putting in some at least SOME effort learning how to use Delta Trade that has gone BACK to MetaTrader or another trading platform. There’s just too many features available that are not available (well not without buying 'add ons or ‘add ins’) in, say, MetaTrader. And to be honest: I believe this to be true with almost ALL proprietary platforms.

As far as deposting (funding) a live account: that’s iimmediate if a credit card or debit card is used (or MoneyBookers but their fees as a little high in my opinion). Bank Wire Transfers take a bit longer (but in my experience the delays have more to do with the banking system than the broker). Ironically though: withdrawals by Bank Wire Transfer never take more than one or two days to ‘show up’ at your bank (except here in South Africa the banks tend to ‘sit’ on YOUR money for as long as they can unless you call them up and instruct them to exchange the USD to ZAR RIGHT NOW and put it in your account) whereas credit and debit cards take LONGER (I’ve had to, on occasion, wait up tp seven days) but again I know from experience that’s more of a VISA / MasterCard ‘issue’ than Deltastock’s. To be honest: KNOWING that you have to wait for your withdrawals is not a BAD thing i.e. it forces you to ask yourself ‘do I REALLY need to withdraw that money NOW given that I’m going to have to wait a day or two for it’ (if that makes any sense). It’s the same as having cash in you wallet as opposed to going to have to FIRST go and withdraw cash from an ATM i.e. do I REALLY need to go and do all of that NOW or can I make another ‘plan’ (possibly a silly example but I hope it gets my point across).

I have to say one thing though: it is REALLY odd to me that you’re profitable with one broker and not at another. That being said: it SHOULD ONLY depend on the timeframe you’re using i.e. on the 1 hour timeframe and shorter your results should THEORETICALLY be no different (or very slight anyway). On the 4 hour and daily timeframes it has been proved that the timezone that the broker is in and at what time they close their 4 hour and daily charts DOES make a MATERIAL difference to a technical trading system (I think I mentioned this before but if not: some of us did some testing a while back with MetaTrader at the SAME broker AND at different brokers but using the exact same EA in MataTrader’s Strategy Tester with the same data period and ALL THREE of us got different results no matter HOW many times the tests were run and that’s very worrying to me).

I’m pleased also that you’re doing a good bit of ‘leg work’ but don’t get TOO ‘caught up’ with the reading material that’s available on my forums. For one thing: Wilder’s book is certainly no ‘easy read’ i.e. it’s one of those books where EVERY SINGLE LITTLE SENTENCE means something and it’s quite easy to miss or overlook important detail. You’ll also find (if you MANUALLY, using Excel for example, try to replicate his ‘worksheets’) that sometimes there are errors on HIS worksheets (trust me: MORE than just a few traders around here and on my forums have gotten confused by the differences). Alright: the differences don’t have any material effect on the trading systems themselves but they do serve to confuse sometimes. But if there is one thing you can be sure of: I’ve tested my coded versions of those trading systems probably about 100 times AT LEAST and compared them to his worksheets and, those small differences, now and then, aside, they’re 100% ‘on the mark’. All I’m saying is that the trading systems (well the Swing Index System, Parabolic SAR, and the Volatility System have already been ‘coded’ for Delta Trading so don’t get too ‘hung up’ on the calculations because it can, and will, drive you ‘dotty’ (I KNOW)!!! LOL!!! Remember of course (regarding Wilder’s ‘errors’ in his worksheets): he didn’t have live realtime charts to work with like we do!!! You’ll not that he mentions somwhere that he used to get his charts ‘delivered’ once a week on a Monday morning (if memory serves me correctly) and ‘plotted’ his systems with a pencil and calculator so a slight error here and there is probably unavoidable!!!

But of course: there are other trading systems in his book as well as in the others that are also darn good it would seem. I just present the ones that I trade and that as a complete ‘set’ or ‘bundle’ tend to always catch a (nice) move (some later than earlier of course). But that’s not to say that the other trading systems in those books don’t have merit (especially those presented in ‘Street Smarts’ and the book by Kathy Lien and Boris Sclossberg i.e. ‘High Probability Trading Setups for the Currency Market’ although I DO believe they have WAY more merit for trading equities and commodities than they do for trading FOREX but that of course is subjective and my personal opinion BUT based on, my own anyway, experience). And of course: there are DOZENS if not THOUSANDS of different technical trading systems out there, developed by what I call ‘market masters’, that have merit (I a big Larry Williams ‘fan’ to be honest and have is books too) but of course the more trading systems you ‘add to the mix’ the more complicated things become (and it many cases different trading systems will give different and opposing signals which of course is confusing at VERY least). For the most part: my trading systems, as detailed, or as ‘chosen’, tend to give the same or very similar signals at any given point in time and that’s why I believe I created a ‘quite decent’ ‘package’ overall. Just be sure to take cognisance of my ‘modifications and notes’ is all. You don’t HAVE to implement them but again, based on my own experience, all authors on the subject tend to ‘cherry pick’ the ‘perfect example trade’ to demonstrate the effectiveness of their trading system (and I’m afraid and rather dissapointed to say that EVEN Wilder is ‘guilty’ of this although to a much lesser degree). A ‘primo’ example is that RSI Rollercoaster system. It takes a LOT of momentum and strength to move RSI from one extreme to the other especially in a trending market so if you don’t trail profitable protective stops as I’ve noted then more often than not you break even on the trades which, to me anyway, even although you’ve not LOST money, is a kind of ‘empty victory’ ESPECIALLY if the trade has been going for days, sometimes weeks, at some point moved into a HUGE profit, and then breaks even (and of course remember that in all probability you’re not REALLY breaking even either because you’re probably going to be paying interest / swap on the position).

Anyway: it’s all ‘there’ for you. All you really have to do is have a bit of a ‘cursory read’ of the books but you theoretically should be able to start trading profitably from the ‘get go’. That’s the idea and point of my forums anyway i.e. to ‘get to the point’ and not discuss or test ‘the latest and greatest’ trading system or compare brokers and stuff like that. The idea is: ‘here’s the broker, here’s the systems, here’s the ‘indicators’ for the systems, here’s my help if you need it, just trade’. If I had just $1 USD for every thread started here and on other forums / websites along the lines of ‘which is the most profitable trading system’ or ‘which broker is best’ or ‘check out my holy grail trading system’ I reckon I’d be a USD millionaire without even having to open a trading plaform!!! LOL!!!

And of course (and as I may have in some way noted above): they’re not THE ONLY trading systems in the world. There’s probably better ones out there that will make more money in a shorter space of time. But that ‘methodology’ has never worked for ME but of course it’s not to say that it won’t work for you or anybody else. Put another way: at least (I believe) you can trade those systems profitably while making some money slowly and, given that most of them are ‘low maintenance’, you can spend some time looking for something else that MAY suit you and your needs and your personality more. Me, for better or for worse, believe NOW that this business is not a means of making a ‘fast buck’. In my experience the ‘fast buck’ dissapears just as ‘fast’. But that’s just me of course. I’m sure there are scalpers around here that make thousands by trading huge lots and shooting for only a very few points (pips) (as would a floor trader for example). I don’t have the ‘knack’ for that type of trading is all (not the mention the fact that I now have a lot of other ‘administrative duties’ to perform during the day so I cannot sit and stare at a five minute chart all day waiting for a setup which is something you too need to consider depending on your situation of course).

But any problems whatsoever: I’m here or ‘over there’!!! LOL!!!



Finally… after toying around for about 2 weeks with Delta Trading Platform Demo, I finally manage to turn around from losing 40% of the demo account to now back to initial position and manage to increase it by 10%. Yes… Big Smile on my Face.

The first time, I use this Platform, I somehow managed to mistakenly press the wrong bottom and also just realize double clicking resulted in closing a position. LOL… Again, lucky this is just a demo account. I should have read the Help section first.

But, I would say this Trading Platform is very much feature rich, except that I cannot find the TechTradingCentral built in indicators. Do I need to download and install any program?

Anyway Dale, is it possible to ask for an extension for the demo. The one that I’m using will expire end of the month. I still would like to explore further.

Just open another demo account.

Hi bigz,

My apologies for only responding to you now. ME AND MY BIG MOUTH!!! On another thread the other day I was giving everyone information about maintaining their PCs so as to keep them in good running order. So what happens??? I start messing around with some software (Bloomberg Professional as a matter of fact which is now downloadable which it never was before). Long story short: it’s FANTASTIC stuff but just TOO much information (not to mention the MONTHLY cost of $1 900 PLUS monthly fees for live data fees) so I decided to uninstall it and must have ‘botched it’ because I’ve now spent the better part of two days re-installing my main workstation!!! (A word of advice: if you’re in a position to fork out $1 900 per month and get more information than you EVER DREAMED POSSIBLE then make sure that you buy the Bloomberg Professional Hardware and use it for ONLY that purpose)!!! LOL!!! Oh well: that particular workstation was due for a re-install anyway but it’s SUCH a waste of TIME (although I suppose when I’m done I’ll be happy and it’ll be ‘good’ for another year or so)!!! LOL!!!

Anyway and unfortunately by the time you receive this post of mine: it being the last day of the month your demo will probably expire today and there’s not much I can do until Monday morning. If you’re prepared to wait: no problem. If not then as qwertymyfx says: just open another demo account is all (and make sure you open it with the SAME amount of capital that you intend to trade with so that your profits and losses are ‘real’ in a sense).

I’m pleased you’ve spent the time with Delta Trading. It’s a really great platform and, as I’ve noted probably everywhere on the Internet, it’s a bit daunting at first and that’s when most people ‘give up’ and move on to MT4 not realising what they’re missing out on. But there’s not much I can do about that I suppose.

The TechTraderCentral Indicator Package (the latest version) should be downloaded from here (link below). Just follow the instructions and if you’ve got a problem then let me know i.e. I’m using my other PC for now so no worries (excepting that I don’t have my Outlook email set up on this PC but I’ll be ‘done’ with my other PC as soon as I’ve finished downloading and installing all TWENTY GAZILLION Microsoft Updates and Patches which should take another hour or so to complete and install).

Technical Trading Systems at TechTraderCentral - TechTraderCentral DT Demo Indicators



Dale, just think of it this way. By re-installing your OS, your PC is gonna be running much smoother again.


Well: you’re quite right of course. It was due for a re-installation. But you probably won’t believe me if I tell you that I have to start all over this morning!!! I had a rather fancy sound card in it (from my video editing days) and it got struck by lightning last year (due to it’s connection to a satellite decoder at the time) so I just happened to have a new replacement (that I’ve had for years but never been used although a cheaper version from a different manufacturer) so I figured well now would be a good time to replace the suspect card. So: no problem. I install it, download the drivers, and sat trying to get this thing to work until midnight last night, only to find out that a) the latest drivers from the MANUFACTURER contained a virus (well the ‘latest’ drivers are quite old now anyway and b) I couldn’t get the rear (surround) speakers working no matter what I tried. So after much installing and uninstalling and trying to revert to older drivers and not having any success I checked the wiring!!! And would you believe: I have a mouse of roof rat in my office roof and no matter what I do I just cannot get this thing (and his family it would seem) out (it or they seems to THRIVE on rat poison). Long story short: at sometime between Friday night and yesterday morning it had chewed through one of the wires leading to the rear speakers!!! Talk about a ‘comedy or errors’ (and this, I might add, he or they must have done AFTER finshing and entire MOUND of rat poison in one of those rat traps that I happened to put down in a strategic place last week)!!! LOL!!! So: a WHOLE day wasted!!! And today again!!!

What absolutely kills me though is Microsoft. I have the the latest (last???) version of Windows XP 3 Pro. Do you know that after you’ve performed the initial installation there are just under 1GB of patches and updates for XP 3 and Offfice XP??? OK: I know 147MB was for the Visual C# patches and updates but just the updates AFTER Windows XP Service Pack 3 was released and AFTER Office XP Service Pack 3 was released there are STILL just under 1GB of patches and downloads!!! It kills me. I’m on pre-paid Vodafone 3G (ADSL???) and I ‘get by’ quite comfortably on one particular package i.e. 2.3GB per month. Well: that 2.3GB is going to be finished by the end of today and I only bought it last week!!!

Anyway: the low-level format has just finished. Let’s START AGAIN shall we (I’ve replaced the wires by the way)!!! LOL!!!

Fortunatley it’s a public holiday here and just ABOUT everywhere else in the world tomorrow and it’s just as well because I had a LOT of administrative stuff to do which I’d planned to complete this weekend and here I’ll have sat for 48 hours sorting out PC ‘cr*p’!!!

It kills me and it reminds me of ONE of the reasons why I got out of the IT Business. People don’t realise that to install Windows PROPERLEY i.e. with all the patches and updates does NOT take 30 minutes and you wouldn’t believe the arguments that I used to have with clients because they got billed a couple of hours for setting up a PC. They didn’t want to download the patches and updates themselves or check that the PCs had the latest drivers etc. which is something that I ALWAYS used to make sure of i.e. every PC delivered by me had all the latest Microsoft patches and updates loaded as well as the very latest available drivers from the various manufacuters. Obviously: this takes time but I took a lot of pride in my work (I guess I’m a bit ‘anal’ when it comes to stuff like that). Inevitably there was always an argument about the billing OR, those that told me ‘JUST install Windows’ INEVITABLY at some point would be calling me out a few months later, incurring DOUBLE what the initial cost WOULD have been, because they’ve either had their PCs wiped out by a virus or tried to install some software that DID INDEED require some of the Microsoft patches and updates to be installed!!!

Anyway: that’s my ‘PC woes’ FOR TODAY anyway!!! LOL!!!



Hi Dale,

It turns out I can still continue with the demo account and did not open a new account. Did you help extending it? Thanks anyway. :slight_smile:

So far, Delta Trading platform has been quite smooth, although sometimes a bit laggy during opening of the program. But other than that it works fine.

Guess what, I use some of your suggested indicators + some newbie common sense :). And I somehow managed to lose almost 80% of my all other transactions but win 80% of my Gold transactions. Overall, I’m still up 30%. So My Demo amount is around 13,000 Euro. See the attached pictures. And these transactions are the result of using the same exact indicators. As you see I’m using combination of Parabolic Sar, RSI, MACD and DMI. These many indicators got me confused at first, but after a while I got used to reading the signals.

I guess indicators work better with commodities? I’m not sure though. But If I can apply what I have been doing this past almost one month, it’s really not bad at all. This is really beginner’s luck and I hope somehow I can repeat this consistently… LOL… and the next time around with the Real Account.

Good morning bigz.

It’s nice to hear from you again. You will not believe me if tell that it took almost FOUR DAYS to finally get my main workstation (server) ‘right’ again i.e. only since late yesterday afternoon have I had ‘normal’ access to the Internet etc.

I’ll keep this post short (as far is as humanly DALE possible): I’m pleased that you’re sort of ‘square’ on your account but those are HUGE ‘swings’ insofar as losses and profits are concerned and that worries me a lot. Is there any way that you could analyse and send me details of your trades (possible and probably via the other forums) so that I can check to see what you’re doing and how you’re doing it and try to help if possible. I no longer have these HUGE ‘swings’ using my choice of trading systems (but believe me I USED to ‘live that that’ for a long while some time ago)!!! LOL!!!

The idea really of my sort of ‘combination’ of trading systems should not result in HUGE ‘swings’ at all (with the very POSSIBLE exception of the Volatility System which, unfortunately, may cause such HUGE ‘swings’ to happens although it almost always ‘recovers’ and the only reason for that is because of the fact that it does not use fixed stops).

But as I said and if your alright with doing it: send me some examples of your trades and let’s see if we can fathom this out together. My intention really is to ensure that you trade profitably ‘from the get go’ with as few trades as possible (I most certainly am not wanting you to ‘churn’ your account by initiating trades ever five minutes in order to make a few dollars out of you I assure you)!!! LOL!!!

Get back to me.

And sorry for the delayed responses i.e. as I said: only since late yesterday and today do I ‘normal’ access to the Internet etc, Just ‘a comedy of errors’ was the case this time around!!!



i have the same problem…

Hi traders,
does anybody have version of the Accelerator Oscillator with period setting?
its realy necessary.
Best Regards