Hello baby pips community! My name is Michael Cherry and I joined this website in search of information on trading the forex market. Thank you to baby pips for offering free education! I will make it a goal of mine to donate once I am well acquainted with the market . I will learn to trade profitably, I will be successful, and I will not quit until my goals are met! Let’s go
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Welcome aboard. Good mindset. I define the difficulty of trading FX successfully as likened to training for an Olympic Games place from scratch.
Best of luck.
Welcome! Be sure to complete Pipsology!
you can start with psychology of school that will be a best decision to bring good knowledge and experience.
school is important but just one time to finish the school level is not enough to survive in there. minimum traders should go through this level for 2-3 times.
Love it! We’re all rooting for you!
Hi. Babypips is a good place to begin learning forex effectively. Make the best of your time here. All the best.