Babypips former student

Good day, everyone. I’ve started my trading career with baby pips on 2020. It’s been three years, and I spend all of my time on tape reading and analysing price activity. I don’t trade very frequently. It’s been four months since I quit trading to focus on studying the market structure at the macro and micro technical levels.
I’ve graduated from baby pips three times and now I’m afraid I’ll have to go through it all again. This time, with knowledge.


Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome, aurum03! Good luck on your trading journey and we’ll be looking forward to your progress!

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Welcome to the community, @aurum03. Hope to hear more from you.

Your tenacity is amazing.

Don’t worry about starting over again. Think of it as an opportunity to further develop the knowledge and insights you have gained so far. Each time you go through the learning process, you’ll become an even better trader. Keep up the great work!

Awesome feat :heartpulse: I look forward to improving my trading with the school too